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Volatile World
NAVIGATOR to the book by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko

Lecture by Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko

Professor G.W. Kolodko's blog

Kozminski University & TIGER Distinguished Lectures

TIGER Working Papers Series

More than 100
Prof. G.W. Kołodko's


„The world in a snare. The fourth part of the trilogy” – such is the title of the new book by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, published by the publishing house Prószyński i S-ka. The book is available here and information about meetings with author and public lectures here.

Contents (in Polish)

December 12, 2022, 11:00 a.m.
Exactly 20 years ago – on December 12, 2002, late in the evening – the European Union summit was concluded in Copenhagen, where an agreement was reached on the conditions of Poland's and nine other countries accession to the Union. The TIGER director, professor Grzegorz W. Kołodko, as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, coordinated the reform policy leading Poland to this historic event. On the occasion of this important anniversary, a special session is held in the Senate of the Republic of Poland (for invited guests) with the participation of professor Kołodko.

November 28-29, 2022

Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko appears three times at the Economic Forum in Tarnow, participating in the session "Who rules the world at the beginning of the 21st century" and in the discussion panel "The future is now. Economy without fortune-telling” and presenting and signing the book “War and Peace” during a special author's evening. The event (for registered participants) takes place in the Concert Hall of the Music School Complex at 4, Lippóczy Street.

November 20, 2022, 1:30 p.m.
The 1st Geopolitical Book Festival is an event promoting titles in the field of political sciences, international relations, diplomacy, strategy and broadly understood geopolitics. During the event there will be author meetings, thematic debates and book fair. Professor Grzegorz W. Kołodko meets with readers and I sign his latest book  "War and Peace" (in Polish, English edition soon) on Stage I and at the Department Store of the Jablkowski Brothers in Warsaw, Bracka Street. You are welcome!

November 4, 2022, 10:30 a.m.
Hot war in Ukraine, trade war between the United States and China, military spending on the rise, inflation and recession on the horizon. The world is getting hotter - both climate scientists and geopoliticians say so. How to make rational decisions in irrational reality? How to stop the flight of the moth into the fire?
We cordially invite you to a scientific conference with the participation of outstanding scientists, media representatives and diplomats. The background for the discussion is the latest book by prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko "War and Peace".

Conference program

Speech by the Rector of Kozminski University

November 2022
The TIGER Working Papers series has published new article by Małgorzata Runiewicz-Wardyn - reviewing the long-term economic effects of pandemics in the interview with the economist Peter. C. Earle - „A look at Covid-19 recession through Schumpeterian ‘creative destruction’ forces”.

October 20th, 2022, 10:30 a.m., Aula II
TIGER’s next scientific conference is entitled "Inflation and what next?" In a group of prominent Polish economists, we will discuss the causes of the current acceleration in inflation and the determinants of anti-inflationary policy. The conference is held at the Kozminski University, and the sessions will be broadcast online.

Conference agenda and registration (in Polish)

October 2022
SPRINGER Publishing House publishes the book by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko entitled “Political Economy of New Pragmatism: Implications of Irreversible Globalization”. The monograph is published as in the series of Springer Studies in Alternative Economics. This book provides answers to fundamental questions of sustainable development and imperative for international cooperation in light of irreversible globalization.

October 2022
The Scientific Publisher PWN publishes a book by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko on “War and Peace” (in Polish). It is an interdisciplinary work that analyzes the magatrends shaping the global economy and politics. The author warns against the dangers awaiting us in the future. The reviewer of this work, Professor Marek Ratajczak, has written about the book: “Reading the book will not leave anyone indifferent, including those who reach for it from the position of declared supporters of a view of the world around us that is definitely different than G. W. Kolodko’s". So we invite you to read it!

Reviews (in Polish)

September 20, 2022, 10 a.m.

As part of their international activities, the representatives of the Algerian Confederation of Employers, CAP, under the chairmanship of Mr. Abdelkader Benahmed, co-organize with the Polish Embassy in Algeria a high-level conference led by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko who speaks on the theme: “Political Economy of Wars and Peace”. The event takes place at Hotel Ferdi Lilly – Ben Aknoun in Algiers.

July-August, 2022
Professor Małgorzata Runiewicz-Wardyn has been accepted for the fellowship program at the American Institute for Economic Research in Great Barrington, Massachusetts (United States). Her research subject aims to explore COVID-19 related technological, institutional and socio-economic "creative destruction" processes in the US and EU economies.

Prof. Małgorzata Runiewicz-Wardyn interviewing AIER economist – Peter C. Earle – the author and editor of series of books devoted to the economic, social, cultural and institutional effects of the Covid-19 pandemic (all his books are available in KU Library).

July 2022
“Chinism and New Pragmatism: How China’s Development Success and Innovative Economic Thinking Contribute to the Global Development” is the title of one more book published by the director of TIGER, prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko in English. This time the publisher is Prunes Press, USA.

Amazon E-book

June 23, 2022, 10:00 a.m. invites:"In his latest book" Świat in Mate "prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko writes: "Free market capitalism is a utopia (...) When it seems that it is about ideas, in fact it is about interests. Rarely about something different." In the context of the war in Ukraine and help, which is provided by so many countries. people, companies ... These are strong words. But when we look at the statistics given by the last "The Economist" that after the outbreak of the war, oil exports from Russia ... increased and reaches Europe, if not directly, as ready fuel from countries that did not impose sanctions on Russia. And "withdrawing" from the Russian market means in most cases the time parking of business in "partner" companies, these words gain importance. We will talk about what (un) business responsibility in these, very difficult times looks like, on June 23, between 10-13 at the headquarters of the State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, ul. Kredytowa 1. Free participation, you only need to register at the link.

June 10, 2022, 12:00 p.m.
"For wise and efficient Poland". This is the title of the conference organized by the Kozminski University together with the Jagiellonian University on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Professor Witold Kieżun. On this occasion, a book under the same title, prepared by a distinguished  group of authors which had known Professor Kieżun and collaborated with him, has been published. During the conference (1:40 p.m.), the debate entitled "Faces of Polish transformation" is led by prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, author of the chapter "One third and the whole century". The conference takes place in the auditorium of Kozminski University. We invite you to participate.

June 1-3, 2022
Prof. Jacek Tomkiewicz visits India to have few lectures and consultations at BIMTECH University.

June 2022
„Open Innovation Ecosystem and Open Innovation Collaboration from the Perspective of the Polish High-Tech and Knowledge-Intensive Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”  - this is the title of new book by Professor Małgorzata Runiewicz-Wardyn. The monograph is published by Poltext Warszawa.

May 27, 2022
Sergey Druczin, assistant, in TIGER, will conduct a lecture for PhD students from the Narxoz University in Almaty on the topic of "The political economy of climate change” ("Politekonomia klimaticheskih izmienienij")

May 25, 2022, 11:30 a.m., Aula II

CONFERENCE OF THE YEAR! The Rector of Kozminski University, prof. Grzegorz Mazurek invites you to an interdisciplinary conference entitled "Świat w matni – jak tam trafiliśmy i jak z tego wybrnąć" ("The world entangled: How did we get there and how to get out of it"). A background for a debate with the participation of distinguished scholars and business practitioners is the latest book by prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko „Świat w matni. Czwarta część trylogii”.  The conference is held in Polish.

April 19-22, 2022
Sergiej Druczin, assitent in TIGER, participates in the „Think Global Festival” in Amsterdam at which he presents the lectures on topic „Political economy of climate change: What are the challenges facing our generation?”

April 8, 2022
“Financial Times” publishes an article by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko entitled “Ukraine recovery needs a debt write-off and help from the EU and China”, in which the author proposes ways to provide economic aid in order to rebuild Ukraine from the war damage. In particular, the director of TIGER suggests the creation of a special European Fund for the Reconstruction of Ukraine, conditional on progress in deoligarchisation cancellation of foreign debt and China's invitation to Ukraine to join the16+1 project under the Belt and Road Initiative, BRI.

February 24, 2022
If you can, help! It is not enough to condemn the Russian attack on Ukraine. Not everyone can impose sanctions on the Kremlin regime for this reprehensible act, but everyone can support in word and deed the Ukrainians in need. You may help too. I donated PLN 10,000 ($2,500) to the Koźmiński Foundation for scholarships for Ukrainian students. There is no better way to create conditions for a peaceful coexistence, sustainable development and world order than good upbringing and education. Who can, help and also contribute to the account of the Koźmiński Foundation: 14 2130 0004 2001 0673 5369 0001 KRS: 0000217541 with the annotation: Ukrainian scholarships.

On Maidan, May 31, 2014

February 2022
Routledge has published a new book by prof. Marta Postuła “Public Financial Management in the European Union: Public Finance and Global Crises”, the publisher announces in the following words:The Monograph offers an in-depth and unique analysis of the functioning of EU institutions against the backdrop of EU Member States’ national entities. It contributes to the ongoing debate on global public goods and on the processes involved in their supply and management. Further on, public finance management instruments are discussed, pointing to their historical evolution in practice and their effectiveness measured with human development index. The Author presents her proposal for managing global, European and domestic public goods in three areas: environmental protection, transnational infrastructure projects and social policy. The book analyses public finance management instruments used during the recent pandemic, distinguishing between “regular” and “emergency” instruments and assessing their effectiveness in specific economic situations.