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In the past:
128October 28, 2024 A
seminar entitled ‘Poland's Economy - Current Situation and Main
Challenges’ was held at Kozminski University. The purpose of the
meeting was to discuss the current state of the Polish economy and the
prospects it faces in the near future. The pretext for organising the
event was the recent visit of the International Monetary Fund's mission
to Poland to assess the macroeconomic stability of our country.
More - link 127May 23, 2024, 4:00 PMWe kindly invite you to participate in the interdisciplinary seminar International public goods and global taxation - legal and economic challenges, which is organised by Kozminski University.
The meeting will be held in a stationary format on 23 May 2024 from 16:00 to 18:00 in room D/123 at the premises of our University at 57/59 Jagiellońska Street in Warsaw.
will address the growing challenges facing today's transnational
economy. Problems such as climate change, mass migration, tax avoidance
or ensuring market competition largely escape regulation within the
framework of nation states and thus require intervention at the
international level. There is no doubt that global challenges need to
find an answer in the form of transnational public goods that
complement and regulate the functioning of the global market-based
economy. 126October 19th, 2021, 5 pm, Zoom platform This
time we discuss on climate policy. Introduction entitled: Economic
consequences of climate transformation will be presented by Dr Monika
Köppl-Turyna from Vienna University of Economics and Business, the
commentary will be given by prof. Waldemar Karpa from Kozminski
Time: Oct 19, 2021 05:00 PM Warsaw
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 943 0733 9553
Passcode: 626801 125June 17th, 2021, 5:00 p.m. CET “Are we at risk of inflation?” – this is the title of an online webinar with the participation of Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko.
Professors Aneta Hryckiewicz-Gontarczyk, Mikołaj Lewicki and Jerzy
Żyżyński as well as Dr. Krzysztof Przybyszewski take part in the
discussion. The starting point for a discussion moderated by Professor
Andrzej K. Koźmiński and Professor Anna Baczyńska are articles by
Professor Kolodko (http://tiger.edu.pl/Inflacja_tlumiona_3.0.pdf & http://tiger.edu.pl/Inflacja_tlumiona_3.0._Drogi.pdf) concerning inflation processes in Poland and in the world in the context of an increased money supply.
Link to the registration form: https://form.jotform.com/211403153758350.
124June 9th, 2021, 5 pm, Zoom platform This
time we discuss on challenges for macroeconomic stability. Introduction
entitled: Caution – inflation! will be presented by Ludwik Kotecki from
the Responsible Finance Institute, the commentary will be given by
prof. Jacek Tomkiewicz from TIGER.
Access details:
Time: Jun 9, 2021 05:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Join Zoom Meeting https://wzuw.zoom.us/j/85436579781?pwd=L1huNGJkbnRiOG5MQjA3dFJ2djBWZz09 Meeting ID: 854 3657 9781 Password: 397226
123May 11th, 2021, 5 pm, Zoom platform This time we discuss on challenges for economic policy. Introduction entitled: "Is there a tax revolution coming?"
will be presented by dr Jaroslaw Janecki from Warsaw School of
Economics, the commentary will be given by dr Pawel Dabek from the
Cracow University of Economics.
Access details:
Time: May 11, 2021 05:00 PM Warsaw
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 999 0101 5597
Passcode: 249052
March 23rd, 2021, 5 pm, Zoom platform
At the next TIGER
seminar, we discuss challenges for global economy. Introduction entitled "Global challenges vs. national
instruments – public finance in the time of on-going globalization” will be
presented by Prof. Slawomir Franek from the University of Szczecin, the
commentary will be given by Prof. Marta Postula from the University of Warsaw.
Access details:
Time: Mar 23, 2021 05:00 PM Warsaw Time
Join Zoom
Meeting ID: 898 3441 9256
Password: 040598 121
January 12th, 2021, 5 pm, Zoom platform
At the next TIGER seminar, we discuss the current challenges for macroeconomic policy. Introduction entitled "If, how and when to return to normality in macroeconomic policy?" will be presented by Prof. Jacek Tomkiewicz, the commentary will be given by Dr. Katarzyna Stabryła-Chudzio from theUniversity of Economics in Cracow. This meeting inaugurates the series of Scientific Seminars entitled Specifically about economics, which we organize as part of the cooperation of three research centers - Kozminski University, the University of Warsaw and the University of Economics in Krakow.
Access details:
Time: Jan 12, 2021 05:00 PM Warsaw
Meeting ID: 944 7276 3710
Passcode: 432490
December 4th, 2019, 4:00 pm, room B-17 This
time we discuss on Polish economy. Introduction into debate will be the
speech by Marcin Piatkowski, professor at TIGER and World Bank’s Senior
Economist, who presents his book titled “Europe's Growth Champion:
Insights from the Economic Rise of Poland” which has just been
published in Polish.
8th, 2019, 4:30 pm, room B-5 This time we discuss on challenges for stability of
public finance system in Poland. We are especially interested in fiscal effects
of governmental proposals which were presented few weeks ago. Introduction into
discussion is presented by Mr Ludwik Kotecki, deputy Minister of Finance in
period 2008-1 .
June 1, 2017, 15.00, room B-06
Jan Woroniecki - Professor of economics and political sciences,
permanent representative of the Republic of Poland to the OECD from
delivered a lecture entitled "The future of European Union" -topic that
is particularly interesting in the context of recent presidential
election in France and the G7 summit in Sicily.
11, 2017, 13.00, room B-17
Adam Noga - Professor of economics from Kozminski University delivered
a lecture entitled "National Champions and Morawiecki's strategy -
allies or enemies?"
March 14th, 2017, 6:00 pm,
room B5
Jerzy Toborowicz, World Bank’s economist and ALK
Ph.D. candidate
presents results of his research on: “Behavioral economics – can it be
useful in social policy?” Everybody is welcome.
March 8, 2017, 4:00 p.m.,
Senate Room
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
and Andrzej K. Kozminski invite you to a debate on the "New Pragmatism
versus New Nationalism". Whither the world? Is it unavoidably moving
towards a "new nationalism"? Is the greed of those who today have the
most resources and power going to win, or will we be able to fairly
share the resources and fruits of economic growth? Is the New
Pragmatism a way to solve the biggest problems of the future world?
November 30, 2016, 4:00
p.m., Leon Kozminski Auditorium
A prominent Chinese economist Mr Song Hongbing is a guest of TIGER. Mr
Hongbing, author of bestselling book series “Currency Wars”, presents
the lecture on “Currency Wars and Global Crisis. Roots, outcome and
what next?”.
May 10, 2016, 16:00
p.m., room B-17
Following the publication by Professor Andrzej K. Kozminski the book
(in the Polish language) called “Wyobraźnia ekonomiczna” ("The Economic
Imagination"), the TIGER and the Students
Scientific Club “Little Tigers”
invite for the joint seminar under the same title. The event, with the
attendance of Professor Kozminski, is open for everybody interested in
the topic.
April 13, 2016, 16.00,
room B-17
Jurasz, President of the Center for Strategic Analysis and an
experienced diplomat, will deliver a lecture entitled "Diplomacy as sex
in foreign affairs. How to get what we want, not unduly asking and
November 26 2015,
15:40, room B5
the 111th TIGER’s seminar the former CEO of Motorola and Apple Richard
Lada will give a lecture titled 'Role of ICT sector in bringing Poland
into the Champions League'. Richard will be talking about using the ICT
sector in the economy to boost the GDP growth, what is the importance
of soft skills in conducting business and how to be more innovative as
a manager.
May 7th, 2015, 15.40,
room B5
of SGGW and Kozminski Academy Piotr Zielonka will give a lecture on
behavioral aspects of investing on the stock exchange. Professor
Zielonka has published the book titled 'Psychology and the stock
exchange' and is an active researcher in this field. The lecture will
be on the possible threats for investors, various emotions, that
influence every investor's decisions and will contain a part where
professor will present new research results.
17, 2014, 16.30, room B5
Marcin Najbar, entrepreneur and Ph.D. Student in the Kozminski
University (link
to bio), will present his work “Analysis of the debt crisis
solutions in Greece”, including following issues:
- Decision makers and institutions during debt
crisis in Greece.
- Potential solutions of the Greece debt crisis
in May 2010
- Problems with reaching the optimal decision.
October 29, 2014, 4:00 p.m.
Toborowicz, Ph.D. Student in the Kozminski University, consultant in
the World Bank and VP in the Youth Reforms Poland Initiative (www.mlodzireformujapolske.pl)
will present a report written by young economists on the last 25 years
of economic transition in Poland and the future directions for the
Polish economy. He will also talk about how the report gave rise to a
new movement of young people committed to changing Poland.
May 14, 2014, 15.00, room B5
Dr Marcin Kilanowski,
Director of Academic Entrepreneurship Incubator and Assistant Professor
of Law at the Nicolas Copernicus University in Torun, will speak on
„The Role of Experts in Global Governance - A Critical Approach"
April 9, 2014, 4:30 pm, room B5
Dr Dawid Sześciło from Warsaw University will deliver a TIGER seminar
on "The insights from the theory and practice of new public management
for introducing private markets to public services".
March 19, 2014, 2:15 p.m, room D200
At the March TIGER seminar we are hosting H.E. Pierre Buhler, the
ambassador of France to Poland, with a lecture on "The French Vision of
Europe". You are welcome to join us.
December 11, 2013, 16:00, room B6
Dr Marcin Piątkowski, Assistant Professor at TIGER, presents the
of this year's World Bank's Doing Business 2014 ranking in a lecture on
"Doing Business 2014: Poland Moving to the Global Top 50".
November 27th, 2013, 4:00 pm, Room B6
TIGER invites for the next open seminar. These time we are going to
on income inequalities. Discussion will be opened with the
presentation by Grzegorz Malinowski, Ph. D. student at Kozminski
University, titled: „Perception of inequality and objective
October 23, 2013, 5:00 p.m., room B17
The series of monthly TIGER seminars in the new
academic year inaugurates meeting organized jointly with the Students
Scientific Club LITTLE TIGERS,
associated with the Transformation, Integration, and Globalization
Economic Research since 2001. The speaker is Professor Grzegorz W.
Kolodko who talks on “Whither the World”.
May 15, 2013, 4:00 p.m., aula
Whither the World. Political Economy of the Future"
– such is the title at subsequent, already starting the second hundred,
TIGER seminar. This time, jointly with the Interdisciplinary Seminar at
Kozminski, you are welcome to join the debate, moderated by Professor
Adrzej K. Kozminski, in which participates Professor Grzegorz W.
Kolodko, the author of book under the same title, as well as Professor
Michal Kleiber, the President of Polish Academy of Science (PAN), and
Chairman 0of the Forecasting Committee of PAN “Poland 2000 Plus”, and
Professor Leszek Kubicki, the former Justice Minister.
April 17, 2013, 16:00, room B5
The Transformation, Integration and Globalization Economic Research
Center (TIGER) invites
for its hundredth seminar! The discussion will be preceded by the
lecture on "The role knowledge flows and technological change
in economic growth of EU regions" given by Dr.
Małgorzata Runiewicz-Wardyn,
Assistant Professor at Kozminski University in Warsaw.
March 20, 2013, 16:00, room B6
Jarosław Bełdowski, First Deputy Chairman of Bank Gospodarstwa
Krajowego (BGK), former Director of the Strategy and Deregulation
Department at
the Ministry of Justice and a faculty member at the Warsaw School of
Economics, and Kamil Joński from the Ministry of Justice will deliver a
lecture in the TIGER Seminar series on the "The Effectiveness of
Commercial Courts in Poland".
20th, 2013, 15:30, room B6
Center kindly invites to attend the seminar on “Changing Income
Structure and Financial Crisis”. Introductory lecture will be provided
by Dr Jacek Tomkiewicz, Research Director at TIGER, discussion will be
started by comments by Dr Anna Czarczyńska from European Affairs
Department at Kozminski University.
January 16, 2013, 16:00, room B5
Lopalewski, CEO of Nordea Poland Life Insurance Company SA, will
deliver a lecture on "The New Normal: management of insurance
in the post-crisis market situation".
December 19, 2012, 16:00, room B6
Dr Marcin
Piątkowski, Assistant Professor at TIGER, presents the results of this
year's World Bank Doing Business 2013 ranking, entitled "Doing Business
2013: Poland in the Global Top 10"
Bio-note: http://www.tiger.edu.pl/piatkowski
October 17, 2012, 16:00, room B5
At the October
TIGER Seminar, Dr Michał Myck, Director of the Centre for Economic
Analysis, CenEA, in Szczecin and a former researcher at the
Institute for Fiscal Studies and at the DIW-Berlin, delivers a lecture
on "Wages, taxes and financial incentives in the Polish labor market
May 23, 2012, 4:00 pm, room A24
The next seminar in TIGER's monthly series will feature Mr. Marcin
Petrykowski, Executive Director at JPMorgan Europe Limited and the Head
of Coverage for Russia, CIS and CEE countries, graduate of Kozminski
University. Mr. Petrykowski speaks on "The Evolution of Capital Markets
and its Impact on Strategies of Financial Institutions".
Notka biograficzna
April 25, 2012, 4:00 pm, room A24
The next
seminar in TIGER's monthly series will feature Ms. Agata
Wacławik-Wejman, Director of Government Relations at Google, former
Member of the Management Board of KDPW S.A., the Polish central
securities depository, legal counsel at the World Bank in Washington DC
and in the Polish Constitutional Tribunal in Warsaw. Graduate of the
Harvard Law School. Ms. Wacławik-Wejman speaks on "Internet,
Entrepreneurship, Innovations. Google Perspective".
March 14, 2012, 4:00 pm, room B5
The next
seminar in TIGER's monthly series will feature Dr. Cezary Stypułkowski,
the CEO of BRE Bank, the third largest bank in Poland, and a former CEO
of PZU S.A., Bank Handlowy S.A. and a Managing Director for the CEE
region at JP Morgan. Mr. Stypulkowski speaks on "„International
Financial Regulations – Current Dilemmas”.
February 15, 2012, 4:00 pm, room B5
Welcome to another meeting in a monthly series of TIGER seminars. This
time we host Mr.Michal Jaworski, director of Microsoft's corporate
policy of Poland (since 1994). Since 2001 Mr. Jaworski is a member of
The Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications
(PIIT) (he is the vice president of PIIT for information society
development). He is a member of The Polish Information Processing
Society and InfoStar laureate. Mr. Jaworski speaks on "Risks,
opportunities and challenges of the computer industry in Poland and the
January 25,
2012 4:00 pm, room B5
TIGER invites for the monthly seminar. This time we host Mr. Tomasz
Czechowicz, founder and CEO of the MCI Group,
one of the most dynamic private equity groups in the CEE Region, listed
on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. He speaks on "How to Make Money on
Venture Capital".
December 14,
2011, 16:00, room B5
Marcin Piatkowski, Resident Scholar at TIGER and Senior Economist at
the World Bank office in Warsaw, gives a lecture on "Doing Business
2012 in Poland", which will discuss the results for Poland of the World
Bank's "Doing Business" ranking, which measures the quality of the
business climate in 183 countries around the world.
November 23,
2011, 4:00 p.m., room B6
are welcome to the next TIGER's seminar. This time we are going to
discuss on wealth inequalities in Central and Eastern European
countries. Introduction into discussion will be presented by Mr.
Giacomo Terenzi from La Sapienza Universrity. Mr Terenzi is visiting
fellow at TIGER, he is conducting research on wealth structure in
post-socialist economies.
October 19,
2011, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
invites for the first in the new academic year - and already the 87th
in our series of discussions - TIGER's
seminar. This time we host Mr. Andrzej Jonas, the Editor-in-chief of
weekly "The
Warsaw Voice", who speaks on "The Media Business". You are
May 25, 2011,
16:00, room B5
host Dr. Marek Mazur from DOFEM consulting firm, OECD consultant, and a
former advisor to Poland's Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance Prof.
Grzegorz W. Kolodko. The title of his presentation: "Reform
of the Polish pension system. Principles, current status and
April 13,
2011, 16:00, room B5
At the April's TIGER seminar we host Professor Jerzy Osiatynski,
Economic Advisor to Poland's President Bronislaw Komorowski, Chairman
of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Economic Sciences at the
Polish Academy of Sciences, lecturer at WSBiF in Bielsko-Biala and
Poland's Minister of Finance in 1992-93. The topic of presentation is
"Macroeconomic strategy for Poland during the global crisis and
forthcoming challenges".
March 16,
2011, 4:00 p.m., room B5
TIGER invites for the monthly seminar. This time we host Dr. Wojciech
Przychodzen, Assistant Professor at TIGER, who has just returned from a
research study at the Millstein Center for Corporate Governance
and Performance at the Yale School of Management. Dr.
Przychodzen speaks on "Sustainable development of enterprises and value
creation for shareholders".
January 19,
2011, 16:00, room B5
invites for the monthly seminar. This time we host Mr. Rafal Juszczak,
one of the most accomplished Polish young managers (age 41), Deputy CEO
of Prokom Investments S.A., a member of Supervisory Boards of Bioton
and Petrolinvest, CEO of PKO BP (2007-08), the largest bank in Poland,
and CEO of the First Ukrainian International Bank (2008-10). He speaks
on "'The times of chaos create great heroes'. The art of management
over complex banking projects".
December 15,
2010, 4:00 p.m., room B5
invites for the monthly seminar. This time we host Paweł Jarecki, Sales
Manager of PKO TFI. He will speak on "Asset management in Poland".
November 17,
2010, 4:00 p.m., room B5
invites for the monthly seminar. This time we host Dr. Marek Rozkrut,
Director of the Financial Policy, Analysis and Statistics Department in
the Ministry of Finance. He will speak on "In search of the optimum
rule - strengthening fiscal framework in Poland".
May 26, 2010,
4:00 p.m., room B5
invites for the monthly seminar. This time we host Dr. Maciej Bukowski,
President of the Institute for Structural Research, Associate Professor
at the Warsaw School of Economics and a World Bank consultant. He will
speak on "The economic impact of emission reduction policies".
April 28,
2010, 16.00, room B5
invites for the monthly seminar. This time we host Dr. Jarosław
Neneman, former Poland's deputy minister of finance responsible for tax
policy, lecturer at the Lazarski School of Commerce and Law, Warsaw,
University of Lodz and Deputy Director at the the Centre of Tax
Documentation and Studies, Lodz. He will speak on "A good tax system
for Poland".
March 10,
2010, 16.00, room B5
TIGER invites for the monthly TIGER seminar. This time we host Prof.
Cezary Wójcik, professor at the Warsaw School of Economics and
associate professor at the Polish Academy of Science, Founder and
Director of Bureau for Integration with the Euro Area at the National
Bank of Poland (2007-2008). He will speak on ""How to Build a Good
Society: Some Remarks for Poland"
February 24,
4:30 pm, room B6
our next seminar we will be discussing how contemporary financial
crisis affects international currency system. Introductory paper
titled: "Crisis and changes in the international currency system -
implications for euro zone and for Poland", will be presented by dr
Grzegorz Tchorek from Warsaw
University and National
Bank of Poland.
Thesis (in Polish)
December 16,
2009, 2:00 pm, room B5
TIGER invites for the monthly TIGER seminar. This time we host Dr
Katarzyna Pisarska, Director of the European Academy of Diplomacy,
faculty member at the Warsaw School of Economics and an assistant to
the famous British historian Norman Davies. She will speak on "Report:
Poland's Influence and New EU Members on EU Eastern Policy in the First
Years of Membership: The View of EU Civil Servants and Diplomats".
November 18,
2009, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Jubilee! Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko invites for already the 75th
meeting within our monthly cycle of TIGER's seminars.
During the series of these interesting gatherings, taking place sice
January 2001, our distinguished guests discuss with the students and
professors fundamental issues of economic performance and development,
determinants of entrepreneurship and competition, problems of
structural reforms and economic policy, the issues of liberalization,
integration and globalization, socio-economic, cultural and political
problems of Poland, our region, Europe and the world. This time our
guest is Dr. Andrzej Arendarski, the
President of Polish
Chamber of Commerce (KIG), who speaks on "KIG - Lobbying or
Speaking for the Business' Interests?". You are welcome to join the
October 21,
2009, 4:00 p.m., room B5
The TIGER seminars series starts 2009/10 academic year with the meeting
with Mr. Marek Lyzwa, Poland's Counselor-Minster for Economic Relations
in China. The topic of the seminar is "Development Prospects of
Polish-Chinese Economic Cooperation". You're welcome to join the
CV (in Polish)
May 20, 2009,
4:00 p.m., room B5
TIGER invites for the monthly TIGER seminar. This time we host Dr
Laursen, World Bank Country Manager for Poland and the Baltic
with a lecture on "The Role of the World Bank in Poland".
April 6,
2009, 4:00 p.m., room A9
TIGER invites for the monthly TIGER seminar. This time we host Prof.
Anatoliy Barkovskiy, Deputy Director of the Institute of International
Economic and Political Studies, Head of the Center for Studies on
International Economic Cooperation at the Institute of Economy of the
Russian Academy of Sciences. He delivers a lecture on "Strategies for
Russia's international economic cooperation during the global crisis".
Long abstract (in Polish)
March 18,
2009, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
invites for the monthly TIGER seminar. This time we host
Professor Mirosław Gronicki, former Minister of Finance, who talks on "
Economic Policy During Crisis".
21, 2008, 4:00 p.m.,
room B5
TIGER invites you for the monthly TIGER seminar. This time we host Dr Krzysztof Rybiński,
a well known economist, partner at Ernst&Young, former Deputy
Governor of the NBP. His presentation will be entitled “The new
international financial order.
December 17,
2008, 4:00 p.m.
The TIGER's seminar series in 2008
is concluded with a debate on one of the largest and most important
economic meetings in our part of the world. "The
Krynica Economic Forum - How
It Is Managed?" - this is a title of the seminar with Dr. Zygmunt
Berdychowski, the Chairman of the Forum's Programme Council
and the founder of these significant events. In the recent Forum, in
September, participated over 1,700 people from about 400
countries. The seminar is hosted by TIGER Director, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko.
November 19,
2008, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
invites your for the monthly TIGER seminar. This time we host Mr. Maciej Lesny, Chairman of the
Supervisory Board of the BRE
Bank SA, who talks on "The Supervisory Boards in Leading
Financial Institutions. Performance and Threats".
October 22,
2008, godz. 16:00, room B5
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
cordially invites for the TIGER seminar series. Our guest is
Dr. Pawel Wojciechowski, the CEO, Polish
Information and Foreign Investment Agency S.A., who speaks on
"Investment Attractiveness of Poland and the Factors which Influence
it. Role of Tax Policy".
October 9,
2008, 10:00 a.m.
This is it! The most important debate during the XV years of Kozminski
Business School (WSPiZ)! Professor Andrzej K. Kozmiński,
Rector of WSPiZ invites to the interdisciplinary seminar on "Wither the
World? Debate on Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko's
book on "The World on the Move" ("Wędrujący
In discussion take a part professors: Janusz Czapinski, psychologist,
Warsaw University, Wojciech Lamentowicz, political scientist, College
of International Economic and Political Relations, Gdynia, Witold M.
Orlowski, economist, NOBE - Independent Center for Economic Research
and School of Business of the Warsaw Technological University, Edmund
Wnuk-Lipinski, sociologist, Polish Academy of Sciences, and Krzysztof
Zamorski, historian, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Your are very
welcome to join the debate! The seminar takes place in aula of
Kozminski Business School (WSPiZ), Jagiellonska 59 St.
June 11,
2008, 1:00 p.m.
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
invites for the TIGER seminar, in which Professor
Ping Chen, from China
Center for Economic Research
at the Peking
University, presents a lecture on "Economic Policy in China".
May 28, 2008,
4:00 p.m., room B5
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
invites for the TIGER seminar, in which Mr. Ciro Eduardo Ferreira, the
intern from Brazil visiting TIGER during current semester, presents a
lecture on "Russia's Accession to the World Trade Organization".
May 14, 2008,
4:00 p.m.
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko www.tiger.edu.pl/onas/dyrektor.htm
cordially invites for the TIGER
& WSPiZ Distinguished Lectures. This time we have the
honor to host Professor
Robert J. Aumann from the Center
for the Study of
Rationality at the Hebrew
University of
Jerusalem. Professor Aumann has been awarded - jointly with
Professor Thomas C. Schelling - with the Nobel
Prize in Economic Sciences in 2005
for "having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation
through game-theory analysis". The subject of the Nobel Laureate
Distinguished Lecture is "Game Engineering".
R. J. Aumann's autobiography
March 28,
2008, 1:00 p.m., room B17
Professor Andrzej K. Kozminski, Rector of the Kozminski
Business School, oraz Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
Director of TIGERa, jointly with the Center of Corporate Governance
Research kindly invite for a lecture by Professor Shyama Sundera from Yale University on
"Better Corporate Governance: What, Why and How?". The lecture is
presented within our cycle of "Distinguished
Lecture Series".
March 19,
2008, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
invites for TIGER monthly seminar. This time we have the privilege to
host Dr. Andrzej Dulka - CEO & Chairman of the Board of
ALCATEL-LUCENT Poland. Title of public lecture and discussion -
"ALCATEL and LUCENT merger on the Polish market. Implications for
company's growth strategy".
February 27,
2008, 4:00 p.m., room B5
In the new semester at the TIGER monthly seminar our first guest is Ms.
Agnieszka Odorowicz - Director of the Polish
Film Institute.
The subject of her lecture and the following discussion, to
participation in which all interested students and faculty are
cordially invited by Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, is "The Movie and Cinema - an Art or
December 12,
2007, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Mr. Piotr Czub, Merchant Director of the Commercial Union Polska,
within the framework of TIGER monthly seminars presents a lecture and
leads a discussion on "Life insurances. Is it only a business?". We
cordially invite to participate in this event everybody, the students
and faculty alike, who is interested in the issues of insurance market.
November 28, 2007, 4:00 p.m.,
room B17
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
invites for TIGER monthly seminar. This time we have the privilege to
host distinguished Polish scholar from the
Vienna Institute for
International Economic Studies, WIIW, Professor
Kazimierz Laski.
He will present a lecture on "Twin deficits or triplet balances",
giving a special attention to the issues of balances of investment and
savings within the three sectors: private, government, and external.
November 14, 2007, 4:00 p.m., room B5
In the new academic year, the activities of Students Scientific Club Little
TIGERS starts with the lecture "Recipe for success" by and
discussion with the TIGER Director. Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
will speak on his "15 Principles for a Successful Life". Everybody keen
to follow the example - especially the freshmen - are cordially invited.
October 24, 2007, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Grzegorz W. Kolodko invites. The first in new academic year -
and 56th altogether - TIGER
seminar deals with financial markets issues. During the
meeting Mr. Jacek Bartkiewicz, CEO & Chairman of the Board of
the Bank
Gospodarki Żywnosciowej S.A., address the issue "BGŻ on
financial market". Everybody interested in the topic is welcome to join
the debate!
6 , 2007, 4:00 p.m., room B5
can find a weather forecast for tomorrow. How do we know where the sun
is going to shine and where there will be a rain? How such specific
organization as the Institute
of Meteorology and Water Management (IM&WM)
is managed? "Is it possible to manage the weather?" – this is the title
of TIGER seminar, during which such a provocative question will be
answered by the Director of the IM&WM, Dr. Mieczyslaw Ostojski.
Everybody who is knowledgeable on the issues of weather is welcome to
join the debate!
April 18,
2007, 4:00 p.m., room B5
The cohesion policy of the European Union still consumes the second
greatest part of the common funds, yet it is deeply rooted in the
tradition equity-oriented approach and thus is not able to achieve its
goals. The discussion of the evolution of this policy is of paramount
importance for Poland, since our regional policy still follows the old
(and obsolete) paradigms. Professor Grzegorz Gorzelak, Director of the Centre for European
Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG) at the Warsaw
University, speaks on these issues at the TIGER
seminar on "Cohesion policy of the European Union - from
enthusiasm through doubts to criticism". You are welcome to join the
March 14, 2007, 4:00 p.m., room B5
TIGER seminar, in which Dr.
Malgorzata Runiewicz
- an Assistant Professor in TIGER Research Centre - delivered a lecture
on "The role of information and communication technologies in
development of regional innovation systems in Poland"
February 21, 2007, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Next TIGER's seminar. This time Dr.
Jacek Tomkiewicz - Assistant Professor at TIGER - will
present lecture on "Economic Policy and Income Inequalities in
Post-socialist Countries".
January 17, 4:00 p.m., room B5
The first in new
year - and 51st altogether - TIGER seminar deals with so lively, yet
not necessary professionally discussed issues of taxation. During the
meeting Dr. Hanna Kuzinska answers the question "Who needs the 'flat
tax'?". Everybody interested in the topic is welcome to join the debate!
(in Polish)
December 13,
2006, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Is the culture just another commodity? How it is "produced" and
"traded"? Yet maybe it is something different, something being just
created and absorbed? What are the limits for the commercialization of
culture and in what is a reasonable way of culture management? These,
inter alia, are the questions to be answered by Ms. Magdalena Hen from Ministry
of Culture and National Heritage. The title of her
presentation is "The Culture Industries: the Game of Economics and
November 15, 2006, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Dr. Jerzy Pietrewicz, CEO & Chairman of the Board of the BOS
(the Bank for Natural Environment Protection), within the framework of
TIGER monthly seminars presents a lecture and leads a discussion on
"Natural Environment Protection in Poland during Transformation and
Globalization". We cordially invite to participate in this event
everybody, the students and faculty alike, who is interested in the
issues of sustainable development.
(in Polish)
October 25, 2006, 4:00 p.m., room B5
At the subsequent TIGER seminar, which inaugurates our cycle in the new
academic year, we hosted the Director of the State
Publishing Institute, Mr. Rafal Skapski, which
spoke on "Business and Culture. Managing the Publishing Enterprise PIW".
(in Polish)
(in Polish)
May 31, 2006,
4:00 p.m., room B5
Prof. Krzysztof Kalicki, President of The Deutsche
Bank Polen Group in Warsaw was the guest of the TIGER's
monthly seminar. He presented the lecture and lead the discussion on
"The activity of The Deutsche Bank Group in Poland".
(in Polish)
(in Polish)
May 22,
2006, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Dr. Marcin Piatkowski from the
International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C. shared his
life experience in a TIGER and Science Club "Tigers"
seminar on "How to get from a high school in Raciborz to the
International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C.?".
May 17, 2006,
4:00 p.m., room B5
Monthly TIGER's seminar was devoted to the subject of "Financial
restructuring of a firm - the case of the consulting-investment company
GI NYWIG S.A", presented by Dr. Hanna Sokół, Vice President of The
Management Board of NYWIG.
(in Polish)
(in Polish)
10, 2006, 12:15 p.m.
At the TIGER seminar we have hosted Dr. Jan Kulczyk, a leading Polish
industrialist and the President of the Polish Business Roundtable.
The topic of the presentation and the debate during the meeting was
"Determinants of the Entrepreneurship in Poland". During the discussion
the issues of the prospects and barriers to the business expansion were
examined. It was especially interesting to learn on these aspects from
such experienced person as our guest.
5, 2006, 4:30 p.m., Aula I
In 1989 this date - April 5th - had been written into the history, and
not only of Poland. At that time - exactly 17 years ago - the
agreement of two months lasting negotiations of the Polish
Round Table had been signed. The event has led our entire
region of the world toward the postsocialist transformation. What had
brought the Round Table negotiations? What caused the collapse - or was
it overthrown? - the previous system of the socialist centrally planned
economy? What kind of expectation were there in Poland and other
countries of the region in 1989 and what we were able to accomplish
during the last 17 years? What major policy mistakes have been
committed and why it did happen? Who are the losers and who are the
gainers? What conclusions should be drawn from these experiences thus
far and what we may expect and must be concerned for in the perspective
of the next 17 years, until 2023? These are just some of the crucial
questions for which we tried to answer during the special public
lecture and seminar entitled "The Un-round Anniversary of the Round
Table", presented by Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
who had participated in the debate of the Round Table and later twice
have served as Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance of Poland.
March 22, 2006,
4:00 p.m., room B5
TIGER seminar, in which prof. Eugeniusz Kaciak from Department
of Business of Brock
University in Canada gave a
lecture on: "Comparative Analysis of Education Systems in Poland and
March 13th, 2006, 4:30
p.m., room B6
TIGER's seminar titled "Role of the World Media
in Business". Seminar was conducted by Mr. Edward Lucas - Central and
Eastern Europe correspondent of "The Economist" weekly.
February 21,
2006, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Professor Andrzej Sopoćko, from Department of Management, the
Warsaw University - until recently Vicepresident of the Board
of Warsaw
Stock Exchange, and in
1994-97 President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
- presented the TIGER monthly seminar. The topic of lecture
and following discussion was "The Eneterprise Financing through the
Stock Exchange".
January 11, 2006,
4:00 p.m., room B5
TIGER seminar, in which dr Malgorzata Runiewicz - an Assistant
Professor in TIGER Research Centre - delivered a lecture on "The role
of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in enhancing the innovativeness
in the EU and United States. Policy implications to Poland".
December 15, 2005,
4:00 p.m., room B5
Our last this year guest and speaker at the TIGER seminars was Dr.
Michal Rutkowski, Director, Human Development Department, Middle East
and North Africa Region, the World Bank. The topic of the
lecture and following discussion was "Evolution of the Middle East and
North Africa: Economic and Social Dimensions of Gradual Change".
Everybody interesting in the subject is welcome!
November 16, 2005,
5:00 p.m., room B5
Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, Advisor to Executive Director at the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and Research Director at TIGER, delivered
a lecture within the TIGER seminar series on "IMF and its
recommendations for Poland".
(in Polish)
November 9, 2005,
4:00 p.m., room B5
TIGER Seminar entitled "Fiscal Policy and capital formation process in
transition economies". Jacek Tomkiewicz presented the results of his
October 12, 2005
TIGER Seminar entitled "China: Economic Reforms, Development Policy and
Political System".
May 25, 2005,
12:00 p.m.
TIGER and Tiger's Students Club seminar. A Country Manager of the World
Bank for Poland, Central Europe and the Baltic States in Warsaw - Mr.
Edgar Saravia - delivered a lecture on the "World Bank's Mission in
Poland in the Era of Globalization and Regional Integration". Mr.
Saravia talked also to students about the ways of co-operation between
the World Bank and youth.
May 18, 2005,
4:00 p.m. room B5
Prof. Władysław Baka - a distinguished Polish economist and policymaker
- was our guest in a TIGER's seminar series. Prof. Baka is currently a
chairman of the council of the Bank Guarantee Fund (BGF) and
therefore the subject of his seminar was "The Role and Function of BGF
in the structure of the financial security".
(in Polish)
May 11, 2005,
4:00 p.m., room B6
Little Tigers
Science Club organized the meeting with Mr. Jan Wejchert - the
co-founder and President of the Polish media giant ITI. The topic of
the meeting was: "Is it possible to study the entrepreneurship?".
April 27, 2005,
4:00 p.m.
TIGER seminar. A new director of the Foreign Trade Research Institute (IKCHZ)
and also the Vice Rector for Scientific Research of the University
of Insurance and Banking in Warsaw - Professor Ryszard
Michalski - delivered a lecture entitled "Meanders of Polish monetary
policy". Professor Michalski is not only an outstanding expert in a
monetary policy theory, but also gained invaluable experience as he was
on two occasions a Deputy Minister of Finance, taking care in
particular of foreign finances and coordinating the fiscal and monetary
policy in Poland. After the lecture we welcome everybody to join the
(in Polish)
March 16, 2005,
4:00 p.m.
In the series of periodic TIGER seminars Professor Witold Malecki from University
of Insurance and Banking in Warsaw delivered a lecture
entitled "Polish perspectives of joining Economic and Monetary Union".
(in Polish)
(in Polish)
March 2, 2005,
4:00 p.m.
In the series of TIGER seminars Ms. Hanna Antonova from The Faculty of
Political Science of National University of Kyiv - Mohyla Academy
delivered a lecture entitled "The Orange Revolution and Democratic
Change in Ukraine". Ms. Antonova is conducting internship in the TIGER
November 17, 2004, 5:00 p. m. room: B5
Andrzej Bolesta, research assistant in TIGER delivered a lecture
entitled: "Chinese way to market economy" during the TIGER's seminar.
(in Polish)
October 20, 2004, 5:00 p.m. room B5
TIGER's seminar. Małgorzata Runiewicz, delivered a lecture, entitled
"The foreign trade and foreign direct investments (FDI) as factors of
international competitiveness of small and big countries in their
period of transformation: case of Poland and Baltic States (Estonia,
Lithuania, Latvia)".
July 1, 11:30 a.m. room 119
Rector of WSPiZ - Professor Andrzej K. Kozminski chaired a seminar
during which the last book by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko on "O
Naprawie Naszych Finansów" ("On
Restructuring of the Public Finance") was discussed. In the
panel also participated Dr. Halina Wasilewska-Trenkner, a member of
Monetary Policy Council, and Professor Bazyli Samojlik from WSPiZ.
May 19, 2004, 5:00p.m. room B5
TIGER's seminar. Prof. Jan Monkiewicz, Chairman of the Polish
Insurance And Pension Funds Supervisory Commission gave a
lecture on "Development and functioning of the insurance market and
pension funds".
the Author (in Polish)
April 21, 2004, 5:00 p. m., room B5
TIGER's seminar. Chairman of the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission
Jacek Socha gave a lecture on the "The stock market in the dawn of
Poland's accession to the European Union".
(zip 0,5 MB)
March 24, 2004, 5:00 p. m., room B5
TIGER's seminar. Dr. Cezary Banasinski, Chairman of the Office
of Competition and Consumer Protection gave a lecture on
"Legal conditions of competition in Poland".
About the Author
February 18, 2004, 5:00 p.m. room B5
TIGER's seminar. Our guest was Mr. Jarosław Biernacki - President of
the Board of Export Credit Insurance Company (KUKE
S.A.). The topic was: "KUKE and Polish export after EU
January 21, 2004, 5:00 p. m., room B5
Dr Wasilewska-Trenkner, Secretary of State in Ministry of Finance, was
guest of TIGER. Ms. Wasilewska presented lecture on "State Budget for
Year 2004".
About the Author (in Polish)
December 17, 2003, 5:00 p. m., room B5
TIGER's seminar. Profesor Ewa Okon-Horodynska, Undersecretary of State
in Ministry of Science delivered lecture on
the Author (in Polish)
(in Polish)
November 19, 2003, 5:00 p. m., room B5
TIGER's seminar on: "Evolution of Monetary Policy in Poland" was
conducted by prof. Jan Czekaj, member of Monetary Policy Council.
the Author (in Polish)
(in Polish)
October 29, 2003, 5:30 p. m., room B5
TIGER's seminar. Prof. Jacek Szlachta from Warsaw School of Economics
was our guest. The Seminar was entitled: "Problemy absorpcji Funduszy
Strukturalnych i Funduszu Spójności w Polsce".
the Author (in Polish)
May 7, 2003, 5:00 p. m., room B5
TIGER seminar by prof. Adam Noga, Academy of Insurances and Banking,
entitled “Limits and Conditions of Economic Growth in Poland”.
March 19, 2003, 5:00 p.m.
TIGER seminar by Prof. Elzbieta Chojna-Duch, Warsaw University, on the
"Restructuring of Public Finances".
February 19, 2003, 5:00 p.m.
TIGER seminar by Dr Jos Veerbek, Senior Economist at the World Bank,
Warsaw office, entitled: “A pro growth and pro stability Public
Expenditure Management Framework for Poland.”
power point presentation
January 22, 2003, 5:00 p.m.
TIGER seminar. Our guest — Yves Drieux, general manager of BNP
Paribas Polska — delivered a lecture on “the Role of Foreign
Banks in Polish Financial System”.
the Author
with the lecture (.ppt)
November 20, 2002, 5:00 p.m.
Jacek Tomkiewicz — assistant at TIGER — presented lecture on “Capital
Formation in Post-socialist Countries”. The lecture was a presentation
of the research done within preparing Jacek Tomkiewicz’s Ph. D.
Author’s CV
October 23, 2002, 5 p.m.
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko hosted TIGER seminar: “The ‘New Economy’
and Economic Growth in Post—Socialist States”. Marcin Piatkowski —
Research Director at TIGER — presented results of his research
conducted this summer at WIDER, Helsinki.
April 17, 2002, 17.00, room B5
The lecture of Prof. Jerzy Hausner, Minister of Labour and Social
Policy, Director of the Department of Public Economy and
Administration at Cracow Academy of Economics. The lecture titled
"Enterpreneurship and Labour Market", is part of the series of TIGER
Seminars. All WSPiZ is invited !!!
of Prof. Jerzy Hausner (in Polish)
Article on the subject of the seminar - "Kodeks Pracy a
bezrobocie?", (in Polish) published in "Nowe Życie Gospodarcze"
March 20, 2002, 17.00, Room B5
The lecture of Prof. Katarzyna Duczkowska-Malysz from the President's
Cabinet. The lecture titled "The Development of Problematic Regions in
the Context of EU Economic Policy", is part of the series of TIGER
Seminars. All WSPiZ is invited!!!
of Prof. Duczkowska-Malysz (in Polish)
of the lecture (in Polish)
February 20,
2002, 17.00, Room B5
The lecture of Prof. Wiesław Czyzowicz, professor of the Warsaw School
of Economics. Professor Czyzowicz will talk about legal aspects of
E-business. The lecture is part of the series of TIGER Seminars. All
WSPiZ is invited!!!
of Prof. Wieslaw Czyzowicz
January 23,
2002, 17.00, Room 9
The lecture of Prof. Jan Czekaj, Director of the Research
Center on the Financial Sector at the Cracow Academy of
Economics, on the "Effectiveness of the Polish stockmarket". The
lecture is part of the series of TIGER Seminars. All
WSPiZ is invited!!!
Article on the subject of the seminar - "Czy warto było tworzyć
warszawską giełdę?" (Was it worth to create the
Warsaw Stock Exchange?) published in "Nowe
Życie Gospodarcze"
December 19,
2001, 17.00, Room 9
The lecture of Prof. Jan Monkiewicz, professor of Warsaw School of
Economics and a Chairman of Polisa Życie S.A., an
insurance company, on the "Future of the financial sector in
Poland in the face of global competition". The lecture is part
of the series of TIGER Seminars. All WSPiZ is invited!!!
Abstract of the
lecture (in Polish)
Article on the subject of the seminar - "Globalizacja a
polski sektor finansowy" (in
Polish) published in "Nowe
Życie Gospodarcze"
October 24,
2001, 19.00, Room 9
The lecture of Prof. Krzysztof Kalicki, professor of WSPiZ and a Deputy
Chairman of Duetsche Bank Polska S.A., on the "Money and
balance of payments". The lecture is part of the
series of TIGER Seminars, which normally take place on every Wednesday
in the week before the month's final week. All WSPiZ is
Abstract of the lecture
(in Polish)
(in Polish)
Article on the subject of the seminar - "Efektywność
polityki monetarnej a oczekiwania rynkowe" (Effectiveness
of monetary policy and market expectations) published in "Nowe Życie Gospodarcze"
May 23, 2001, 17.00,
Room 9
Prof. Ephraim Kleiman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Israel, delivered a lecture on the "Human Capital Evaluation
in the Talmud". The lecture was held in the series of TIGER Seminars,
which normally take place on every Wednesday in the week before the
month's final week. All WSPiZ is invited!!!
Ephraim Kleiman
Article on the subject of the seminar - "Ekonomia
według Talmudu" (Talmud
Economics) published in "Nowe
Życie Gospodarcze"
April 26, 2001
Prof. Mario D. Nuti, University of Rome "La Sapienza" and London
Business School, a distinguished economist and expert in the process of
post-socialist transformation, delivered a lecture in
the series of "WSPiZ Distinguished Lectures", "incuBATor of knowledge",
and "TIGER Seminars" on "Not Just Another Accesion".
About Prof.
Mario D. Nuti...
Article on the subject of the seminar - "Integracja
z Unią - to nie będzie zwykłe rozszerzenie" (Integration
with the European Union - this will not be just another accession),
published in "Nowe Życie
March 21, 2001, 17.00,
Room 9
Prof. Witold Małecki, the University of Insurance and Banking
in Warsaw, delivered a lecture on "Foreign exchange crisises".
The lecture was held in the series of TIGER Seminars, which
normally take place on every Wednesday in the week before the month's
final week. All WSPiZ is invited!!!
Witold Malecki
Article on the subject of the seminar - "Czy
grozi nam kryzys walutowy?" (Do we run a risk of a
currency crisis?), published in "Nowe
Życie Gospodarcze"
February 21,
2001, 17.00, Room 9
dr Grzegorz Wojtowicz, member of the NBP Monetary Council
(RPP), delivered a lecture on "Monetary policy - objectives,
conditions, challenges". The lecture was held in the series of
TIGER Seminars, which normally take place on every Wednesday in the
week before the month's final week. All WSPiZ is invited.
About Dr
Grzegorz Wojtowicz
Article on the subject of the seminar - "Obniżyć
stopy procentowe czy nie?" (Decrease interest rates
or not?), published in "Nowe
Życie Gospodarcze"
January 24, 2001, WSPiZ, 17.00, Aula
lecture and presentation of a new book of Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko
"Moja globalizacja czyli dookola swiata i z powrotem". The
lecture was the first in the series of seminars organized by TIGER.
Prof. Wladyslaw Baka, WSPiZ, was the lecturer's discussant.
Article on the seminar - "Globalizacja
- malowany diabeł?" (Globalization - is it a real
threat?), published in "Nowe
Życie Gospodarcze"