The new TIGER Scientific
Advisory Board has been nominated for the period of 2006-10.
The Board includes distinguished scholars from all over the world,
including Japan, China, India, Israel, Russia, Tanzania, Nigeria,
Chile, USA, Hungary, Italy, and Poland. As during the previous term, in
2001-2005, the Chairman of the Board is the Nobel Prize winner in
Economics (1999), Professor Robert A. Mundell from
Columbia University, New York.
December 2006
The Japanese scientific periodical "Hikaku
Keizai Taisei Kenkyu" ("Comparative Economic Studies"), Vol.
13, December 2006, pp. 59-74, has published the paper by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
entitled "Posuto-Kyosansyugi no Daihenkaku to Hukakujitsu na Sekai no
Shorai" ("The Great Post-Communist Change and Uncertain Future of the
World"). The study deals with the substance and dynamics of
post-communist transformation and the threats the world economy faces
in the context of unsustainable development, burdened by the structural
imbalances and the weaknesses of institutional (dis)order.
(in Japanese)
December 2006
Publishing House DIALOG
has published book by Andrzej Bolesta titled "China in Period of
Post-Socialist Transition". The book presents results of the research
conducted by Andrzej Bolesta during his work as a researcher at TIGER
in years 2002-2006.
December 2006
The Leon Kozminski Business School publishing house – has
published a book by Dr. Małgorzata Runiewicz on "International
Competitiveness of Baltic States". The monograph presents the original
results of the author's investigation into the factors of Baltic
States' international competitiveness. The book reveals the mistery of
economic success of "Baltic tigers", perceiving it mainly in rapid
business expansion, favorable investment climate and ongoing
technological progress.
of contents (in Polish)
December 21, 2006
Professor Grzegorz W.
paper entitled, "Equity Issues in Policymaking in Transition Economies"
was recently listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for "Sustainable
Development". As of 12/12/2006 the paper has been downloaded 150 times.
You may view the abstract and download
statistics at the URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=183495.
To view the any of the Top Ten lists, click the TOP button on: http://www.ssrn.com/Browse.
To view the Author's SSRN Page, on which there are the papers read so
far by about 3.5 thousand readers, go to http://ssrn.com/author=172353.
December 19, 2006,
12:00 a.m.
Students' Scientific Club "Little Tigers" which is cooperating with
TIGER Research Centre is inviting to a meeting with Wojciech
Olejniczak. Since 29th of May 2004 our guest is a leader of the
Democratic Left Alliance.
The meeting will take place on the 19th of December 2004 at 12 am. in
Leon Kozminski's auditorium.
We are kindly inviting!
Students' Scientific Club "Little Tigers"
December 18-19,
Profesor Grzegorz W.
Kolodko pays a short, working visit to Washington,
DC. He carries out a series of consultations on the issues of
structural reforms and sustainable development in the World Bank and
the International
Monetary Fund.
The TIGER Director had worked in the both organization as an expert and
Visiting Scholar at the beginning and end of the last decade, in 1990
and 1991 and again in 1998-2000.
December 13, 2006,
4:00 p.m., room B5
Is the culture just another commodity? How it is "produced" and
"traded"? Yet maybe it is something different, something being just
created and absorbed? What are the limits for the commercialization of
culture and in what is a reasonable way of culture management? These,
inter alia, are the questions to be answered by Ms. Magdalena Hen from Ministry
of Culture and National Heritage. The title of her
presentation is "The Culture Industries: the Game of Economics and
December 13, 2006,
12:00 a.m.
On the 13th of December 2006 at 12 am. in Leon Kozminski's auditorium
there were a meeting with Mrs. Henryka Bochniarz - Ph.D.in Economics
(graduated at Warsaw School of Economics). Since 1999 our guest is a
President of Polish Private Employers' Confederation LEWIATAN. Henryka
Bochniarz was also a candidate in presidential elections 2005 and was
representing the Democratic Party.
The meeting was arranged by Little
Tigers Students' Scientific Club.
December 8, 2006
With the participation of the Rector of Kozminski Business School
(WSPiZ), Professor Andrzej K. Kozminski, and the TIGER Director, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
TIGER hosts the conference on "Factors of International Competitiveness
of Regions. Key Role of ICT". The Conference aims to present the
research results of the national experts on the role of ICT in
fostering socio-economic development of regions as well as provide a
platform for exchanging of experience, addressing problems and offering
possible policy implications in regard to better use of ICT for
increasing regional competitiveness.
program (in Polish)
Main Sponsor:
December 5, 2006,
11:30 a.m.
The crucial directions of structural reforms, especially the
determinants and methods of privatization, were the main topics of the
talks Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko had conducted with the leaders of the
Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines
in Tehran. The hosts were interested in the Polish experiences on the
field of property rights change and commercialization of the state
sector. Professor Kolodko has shared his opinions and experience gained
during his tenure in the government of Poland, when he coordinated the
economic policy during the years 1994-97 and 2002-03. A special
attention was been given to the issue of institutional aspects of
privatization and the need of larger engagement of international
capital in the process of privatization in Iran.
With the President of the Iran
Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines, A.N.S. Khamoushi
December 4, 2006
While visiting Tehran,
the capital of Iran,
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko has conducted the talks and consultations with the
directors and fellows of the Center
for Strategic Research.
During the meeting the main attention of the Iranian hosts has been
given to the issues of structural reforms and economic liberalization,
and especially the Poland's experience on these fields The Director of
TIGER and Deputy Director for Research of the C.S.R. - Dr. M.B. Nobakht
- have signed a Memorandum of Understanding drawing the general
framework for the future research cooperation.
Prof. G.W. Kołodko and Dr. M.B.
Nobakht. At the background ambassador of Poland, H.E. Witold Śmidowski
December 4, 2006
The TIGER's Director had payed a working visit to Iran.
"Economic Reforms, Privatization and Minimizing the Government" - this
is a title of lecture and seminar presented in Tehran
by Professor Grzegorz W.
at the "round table" debate, organized by the Expedience Council for
the top professionals and policymakers form economic and financial
circles. Professor Kolodko had met also for the consultations on
antiinflation policy with the Vice-Governor of the Central Bank of the
Islamic Republic of Iran - Dr. Akbarem Komijani.
November 2006
The next paper was published in a Tiger Working Paper
Series. The author -
László Csaba - had presented problems of Central East European
transformation in a paper entitled "Social Change in Central and
Europe: General Trends and National Patterns".
November 25, 2006,
2:00 p. m.
During the annual ceremony of graduation at our Academy Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
presents an occasional lecture on the determinants of successful
strategies in business and policy-making as well as in ones life.
media relation about the lecture (in Polish)
November 24, 2006
Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz - Assistant Professor adjunct at TIGER
Institute, will participate and chair the session at The Annual
Conference 2006 of Regional Studies Association in London on "Global
Regions?". Dr Runiewicz will present a paper entitled: "EU-CIS
inter-regional trade and investments dynamics: barriers and
perspectives for future developments". Program and detailes of the
November 23-24,
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kołodko in
Bucharest. The TIGER Director participates as a guest speaker in a
conference on "Regional Competitiveness in the context of the Lisbon
Agenda" organized by the Group
of Applied Economics (GEA).
The event is a part of the project "Romania - Building Regional
Assessment Capacity in Line with the Lisbon Agenda". The project aims
at providing a matrix for regional competitiveness, which will be later
implemented through a series of regional workshops and pilot projects,
with the final goal of supporting progress in regional structural
indicators, improving regional competitiveness position and increasing
regional absorption capacity for structural funds.
November 15, 2006,
4:00 p.m., room B5
Dr. Jerzy Pietrewicz, CEO & Chairman of the Board of the
BOS Bank
(the Bank for Natural Environment Protection), within the framework of
monthly seminars presents a lecture and leads a discussion on
"Natural Environment Protection in Poland during Transformation and
Globalization". We cordially invite to participate in this event
everybody, the students and faculty alike, who is interested in the
issues of sustainable development.
(in Polish)
November 10, 2006,
9:00 a.m.
Unidea-UniCredit Foundation, a non profit foundation established by
UniCredit Group in 2003, in Milan, was organizing, in collaboration
with OECD LEED, EUROREG/University of Warsaw and Regional Studies
Association - Polish section, the Joint European Master in Comparative
Local Development (CoDe) of the University of Trento, an International
Seminar on "Regional Diversity and Local Development in Central and
Eastern Europe". In the Round Table discussion participated Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
who spoke on "Globalization, National Development Policies and Regional
conference agenda
November 6, 2006
The only English language Lao daily "Vientiane Times"
(Issue 217, p. 3) has published an interview with Professor Grzegorz W.
Kolodko. The interview is entitled "Polish economist
explains market economy".
November 6, 2006,
9:00 a.m.
Grzegorz W. Kolodko paid a working visit to
At the National
University of Laos in Vientiane
he has presented a lecture on "Globalization, the European Union
Integration and East European Economic Development".
November 2-5, 2006
Dr Jacek Tomkiewicz - Assistant Professor at TIGER – took part in the
conference on "Developing Economies; Multiple Trajectories, Multiple
Developments". Conference was organized in Stambul by
Association for Evolutionary Political Economy.
Visit in Stambul was also connected with work within the international
research project on "Inequality: mechanisms, effects, policies". TIGER
is part of research consortium of leading European research centers.
October 2006
The American scientific journal "International
Management Review" in the latest issue (Vol. 2, No. 3, p.
5-19) published the paper by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
entitled "Globalization - Culture - Development".
October 2006
The next paper was published in a Tiger Working Paper
Series. The author - Oleh Havrylyshyn - had analized the growth factors
in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. The results are presented in a paper
entitled. "Growth and Institutions in the Transition. How do Belarus,
Russia, and Ukraine Compare to Others".
October 31, 2006
"Rossiyjskaja Gazyeta",
No. 41 (578), p. 5, has published an interview with Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
on "Diengi Stabfonda możno tratit, no tolko na powyszenije
konkurentosposobnosti" ("The Money from Stabilization Fund Can Be
Spend, But Only On the Improvement of
(in Russian)
October 28-29, 2006
China Institute for Reform and Development
(CIRD) in Haikou, Hainan Province, a non governmental and independent
economic research institute, organized the International Symposium on
"Public Service System in China and Relationship between the Central
Government and Local Governments". Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
had been invited, as an international expert, to present a keynote
speech on "Institutions, Policies and Development".
(in Chinese)
October 23–27, 2006
Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz participated and moderated one of the session
at 5th Northern European Conference on UN Veteran Support:
"Collaboration with young generation", which took place at Military
Rest Centre, Rynia n/Warsaw.
October 25, 2006,
4:00 p.m., room B5
At the subsequent TIGER
seminar, which inaugurates our cycle in the new academic
year, we hosted the Director of the State Publishing Institute,
Mr. Rafal Skapski, which spoke on "Business and Culture. Managing the
Publishing Enterprise PIW".
(in Polish)
(in Polish)
October 19, 2006,
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
European Regional and Local Studies Center and the UNESCO
Chair of Sustainable Development of Warsaw University
invited for the series of seminars to be presented in the 2006/07
academic year. At the inaugural seminar Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
gave a lecture on "From shock without therapy to therapy without
shocks. The implications for Poland's future". The lecture is reported
in the article entitled "Szybki wzrost - wielki wysiłek" ("Fast Growth
Great Effort"), written by Ryszard Ginalski and published in October
issue of monthly "Sprawy
Nauki" ("The Problems of Science"), Nr. 3 (118), p. 21.
October 18, 2006,
3:40 p.m., room B 5
The 'Little
Tigers' Students Science Club hosted the international
students from Kozminski Business School
and invited them to join the Club's 'global little TIGERS' section.
During the meeting the TIGER Director, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
told on his reflections about teaching and learning the business
management and entrepreneurship at the era of global fierce competition.
October 16, 2006,
2:00 p.m.
One more time Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko payed a visit to the Peking
University and at the China Center for Economic Research (CCER)
presented a lecture on "Economics of Post-Socialist Transformations.
The European and Asian Perspectives".
October 15, 2006
Getting ready for Olympic Games Beijing-2008? Well, who knows?...
During the break between a couple of lectures for the Chinese audience,
Grzegorz W. Kolodko has run another, the third this year,
marathon. To make it to the finish line of the ANA International
Beijing Marathon 2006
has taken 4 hours 9 minutes 16 seconds. Of over 6 thousand runners
which had taken a part in the event, about 5,500 had accomplished the
competition. Professor Kolodko finished the race at the 1,620th
October 13, 2006,
3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
The TIGER Director, Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, again visited the Chinese Economists 50 Forum
in Beijing. This time with a lecture and seminar on "The Great
Transition. Lessons from the East European Countries". The event took
place in the State Information Center.
With the chairman of the seminar
Mr. Shanda Xu, the Deputy Director General
of State Administration of Taxation of China
October 10, 2006
Three members of the TIGER Institute team - Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz,
Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, Dr. Jacek Tomkiewicz have received the Rector's
Awards for Scientific Achievements in the academic year 2005-2006.
October 10, 2006
Almost a year after accomplishing his Ph.D. in economics, on the
occasion of inauguration of the new academic year 2006/07, Dr. Jacek Tomkiewicz
has been awarded with his diploma. Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
has been the supervisor of dissertation on "The Impact of Fiscal Policy
on Capital Formation in Corporations in Postsocialist Economies".
Recently, based on this work, the book on "The Fiscal Policy
and Investment in Postsocialiast Economy" by J. Tomkiewicz
has been published.
10, 2006, 12:00 p.m.
The official inauguration of the 2006/2007 academic year took place at
the Leon
Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management in
9, 2006, 3:50 p.m., room D 200
The new 2006/07 academic year has just started! On this occasion the 'Little
Tigers' Students Science Club organized a special meeting to
which especially the students of first semester - the freshmen - were
invited. During the meeting the agenda of the Club was be discussed and
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko presented a lecture on "What a Businessman Should
Know about Globalization and Postsocialist Transformation".
September 2006
"Inflation Targeting, Between Rhetoric and Reality. The Case of
Transition Economies" by Daniel Daianu
and Laurian Lungu was published as a 96th
paper in TIGER
Working Paper Series.
July-September 2006
The new Russian scientific periodical "Ekonomicheskaya Politika"
("Economic Policy"), No. 2, 2006, p. 56-72, has published a research
paper by Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, entitled "Wielikaya
postkomunisticheskaya transformaciya i nieopredieliennoye budushche
mira". ("The Great Post-Communist Change and Uncertain Future of the
(in Russian)
September 25-27, 2006
As a year ago, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko was visiting the
Moscow Academy
of Economics and Law
(MAEL) with a series of 8 hours of lectures on the issues related to
the systemic change and institutional aspects of development in the
world economy. In the lecture took part also the students from other
Moscow universities collaborating with MAEL. Director of TIGER is an
Honorary Professor of the Academy.
September 26,
2006, 3:00 p.m.
At the initiative of the
Moscow Academy
of Economics and Law the new book by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
has just been published. The monograph, entitled "Vielikiy postsocyalisticheskiy
povorot" ("The Great Postsocialist Change"), is already
Professor Kolodko's fifth book in Russian. On this occasion a special
scientific session has been organized with the participation of the
students and faculty of the Academy as well as invited guests - the
researchers, diplomats, policymakers and media.
With a group of gradute students
and the Rector of MAEL - Professor Vladimir P. Buyanov (on the right)
September 1-23,
At the invitation of the
Academy of Sciences Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
again payed a visit to
During the trip the TIGER Director presented at several research
centers a series of lectures on the issues of globalization, systemic
transformation, economic equilibrium, socio-economic development and
the nature of economic crises. While visiting
and Krasnoyarsk
- as well as Moscow
- Professor Kolodko involved also in research discussions and
consultations on such topics as economic stagnation, growth and
development in post-socialist countries. The previous time - also
within the framework of cooperation with the
Academy of Sciences - he had visited
and Far East with a series of lectures and seminars in September 2003,
calling at
and Vladivostok.
September 21,
2006, 9:00 a.m.
The Krasnoyarsk
State Technical University was hosting the conference,
organized jointly with the Russian Academy of Sciences, on the topic
"Intelektualnye resursy: ocenka i stimulirowaniye razvitiya" ("The
Intellectual Resources: Evaluation and Development"). At the plenary
session of the conference Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
had presented a lecture entitled "Institucionalnye usloviya
innovacionnogo rosta rosiyskoy ekonomike" ("The Institutional
Determinants of Innovation-based Development of Russian Economy").
September 20,
2006, 4:30 p.m.
The Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center
of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences has organized a
seminar for the scholars from the region's institutes and research
centers. At the seminar the TIGER Director,
Grzegorz W. Kolodko has presented a lecture (in Russian) on
"The Problems and Specific Features of the European Postsocialist
Countries Transition to Market Economy".
With the Director of
Scientific Center, the member of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Professor Vasily F. Shabanov.
September 20,
2006, 10:40 a.m.
"Opyt polskich ekonomiczeskich reform. Uroki dla Rosiji" ("The
Experience from Polish Reforms. Lessons for Russia") - under such title
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko has delivered a guest lecture at the Department of
Economics at the
State University.
September 14, 2006
While paying a working visit to Yakutsk, the TIGER
Grzegorz W. Kolodko had met with Mrs. Vera I. Sidorova,
Vice-minister of Foreign Relations of
Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The subject of the discussion were
the external relations of the Sakha Republic, mainly at the fields of
economy, science and culture, including the contacts and cooperation
with Poland. Professor Kolodko has visited also the Institute
of Regional Economic Development of the Sakha Republic
Academy of Sciences, where he presented a seminar on regional
development within the context of globalization and hold consultations
with the Institute Director, the Member of Academy of Sciences,
Professor Egor G. Egorev.
September 13, 2006
The Russian daily "Vesti" ("News"), No. 37, p. 1, has published an
interview with Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko.
The interview, entitled "Nye nadeytes tolko na neftodolary" ("Don't
count just on the petrodollars"), deals with the issues of transition
to a market economy and development in postsocialist countries, as well
as with the prospects of further economic expansion in Russia.
(in Russian)
September 12,
2006, 14:00
"Vielikiy postkomunisticheskiy povorot. Uroki iz
polskogo opyta" ("The Great Post-Communist Change. Lessons from Polish
Experience") – this is the title Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
had presented to the faculty and students at the
Bering Kamchatka State University at
September 12, 2006
The magazine "Wiecznie Młodzi"
("Forever Young") (No.4/2006) publishes a short interview with
Grzegorz W. Kolodko. The interview has taken place at the
finish line of the Midsummer Night Marathon in Gdynia.
(in Polish)
September 6-10,
Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, Research Director, took part in the
XVI Economic Forum
in Krynica-Zdroj,
the so-called "Eastern European Davos". Dr. Piatkowski chaired a panel
on "Growth in Old and New Europe: What needs to be done?", which
featured, inter alia, Dr. Stanisław Kluza, Poland's Minister of
Finance, Prof. Jean Pisani-Ferry, Director of Bruegel in Brussels,
Prof. Paolo Garonna, Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in Geneva and regional
representatives of IMF and World Bank. Dr. Piatkowski also took part in
the panel on "Public Support for Commercial Innovation" organized by
Bank. More information about the Forum on
September 6-9, 2006
Dr. Małgorzata Runiewicz - Assistant Professor at TIGER - took part in
the XVI Economic Forum
Krynica-Zdroj, organized by Eastern Institute. The motto of
this year Forum was: "European Challenges: The Question of Europe's
Identity". Dr. Runiewicz took part in the session entitled: "Future
Outlook on the Information Society in New European Member States,
Acceding and Candidate Countries", which was led by IJRC-IPTS
in Seville.
(on the photo with Mr. Algirdas
Brazauskas, Prime Minister of Lithuania
and President in 1993-98)
July 2006
July issue (No. 4/2006) of the "Raport Finansity"
("The Financier Report") publishes (p. 1 and 5) a comment by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
on the topic "Will the export profitability hold on?" ("Czy eksport
będzie opłacalny?"). "Raport Finansisty" is published periodically as a
bulletin addressed to the CEO, members of the boards and chief
accountants of the firms.
(in Polish)
July 2006
The paper on "Poland's Competitive Position in the Enlarged EU",
written by Professor Leon Podkaminer from the Vienna Institute for
Comparative Economic Studies, has been published in our TIGER Working Paper Series
(No. 95).
July 29, 2006
At the end of his working visit to Ethiopia, Director of TIGER,
Grzegorz W. Kolodko and Mr. Newai Gebre-ab, Director of
Development Research Institute (EDRI), and the Chief Economic
Advisor to the Prime Minister, have signed a Memorandum of
Understanding outlining further cooperation between both research
July 16, 2006
The jubilee of 10-years since Poland's accession
to the
of Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, is such a
special occasion that
Grzegorz W. Kolodko has accepted the invitation to give an
to the weekly
The interview, published in no. 28/2006 of the weekly, is entitled "Czy
moglibyśmy być bogatsi" ("Could We Be Better-off?").
(in Polish)
July 15, 2006
In the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, the TIGER
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, has met with the Minister of Finance and
Economic Development of the Republic of Ethiopia, Mr. Ahmed Sufian. The
key issues being discussed during the conversation were the meaning of
financial policy for balanced and equitable economic development, the
feedback between the restructuring of the financial sector and
privatization, and the perspectives and implications of full currency
convergence in the European Union.
July 14, 2006
While in Addis Ababa, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
has met with Minister of Industry and Trade of Ethiopia, Mr. Girma
Birru. The subject of discussion were the determinants of sustainable
economic development, especially the economic security and coordination
of industrial and trade policies in developing countries in the
globalization context. Minister Birru has been interested, inter alia,
in the issues of Polish experience with privatization and trade
liberalization as well as the sources of fast economic growth during
the Director of TIGER tenure as Deputy Premier and Finance Minister
(1994-97 and 2002-03).
July 14, 2006
During his working visit to Addis Ababa, hosting the headquarter of the
Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA),
Grzegorz W. Kolodko has met with Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, the ECA
Executive Secretary. The subject of discussion were the perspectives of
further regional integration and sustained fast economic development in
Africa, and - in such a context - particularly the significance of
institutional strengthening of the market economy. There has been a
consensus that the economic expansion of the African countries must
rely mainly on the continent's own resources. However, the need for the
increase of external aid has been stressed too, especially conditional
on further improvement of economic policies and governance.
July 14, 2006, 3:00
p.m. (9:00 Ethiopian Time)
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
presented a public lecture for the representatives of government and
business circles. The topic of the lecture was: "The Polish Miracle.
Lessons for Emerging Markets". The venue has taken place in the
Addis Ababa SHERATON.
July 13, 2006,
2:00 p.m. (8:00 Ethiopian time)
While in
Ethiopia, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
was visiting the The Ethiopian
Development Research Institute (EDRI). For the participants
drawn from universities and research institutions of
Addis Ababa, the TIGER Director has presented a lecture on
"Globalization and Catching-up in Emerging Markets".
12-31, 2006
The Ethiopian
Development Research Institute (EDRI) is a semi-autonomous
government research organization located in
Addis Ababa. EDRI works in partnership with international
organizations, educational institutions and the private sector. The
institute research activities mainly focus on:
a. Macroeconomics,
b. Agriculture and Rural Development,
c. Industrial Growth,
d. International Economics, and
e. Human Resources.
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko during his visit in
Ethiopia conducted a series of consultations at EDRI and
other science units and met with representatives of government,
business circles and with media.
July 11, 2006
Time is running fast! It is exactly 10 years today
since Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko - then Deputy Prime Minister and Minister
of Finance of Poland - has signed on the behalf of Polish Government a
historical treaty on Poland's accession to the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development - OECD. It has been a
confirmation of the progress our country had accomplished regarding
transition to market economy and, on the same occasion, the greatest
success of Polish transformation prior to the integration with the
European Union eight years later. It is worth to mention that at that
time the Polish economy enjoyed the fastest pace of growth resulting
from successful implementation of comprehensive development program
"Strategy for Poland". In 1995 Poland recorded the highest in last 30
years rate of GDP growth; the real GDP per capita increased by 7.0 per
cent (in 1996 and 1997, respectively, by 6.2 and 6.9 per cent).
11.VII.1996. With Donald Johnston, the Secretary General of OECD
July 11, 2006
The daily newspaper
TRYBUNA has published the interview with
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, who exactly 10 years ago has signed the
accession act to the OECD -
for Economic Cooperation and Development. The interview is
entitled "Ten Years After the Success. SLD - OECD".
(in Polish)
July 10, 2006, 3:00 - 5:00 p. m.
Warsaw School of
Economics (SGH) is hosting, on July 8th-23rd, the
Summer University
Warsaw 2006 (SUW 2006) on "Poland - Competing for the
Future". The intention of the SGH students, which organize the event,
is "...to show Poland to the foreign students from the contemporary
perspective, as a country where the people work toward the better
future and do not focus most of the time on the past. Poland is moving
forward and there is a lot of fields of which we may be proud. The way
the young men from overseas will perceive us will make an influence on
our country investment attractiveness in the world."
Grzegorz W. Kolodko - the graduate and for many years a
lecturer at the SGH - had been invited do present for the participant
of the SUW 2006 a distinguished lecture on "The World Economy and
Poland's Development Perspectives". The event took place in the SGH
main building, 162 Niepodleglosci Avenue, aula VII.
June 2006
Two new papers were published in Tiger Working Papers
Series: "Currency Asymmetry, Global Imbalance, and Rethinking again of
International Currency System" by Prof. Fan Gang, and "Methods of
Privatization and Economic Growth in Transition Economies" by Prof.
John Bennett, Saul Estrin and Giovanni Urga.
June 26, 2006
Dr Malgorzata Runiewicz, Assistant Professor in
TIGER Research Centre, participated in the workshop on: "Needs for
eGovernment Research Management - Regional Aspect" organized by The Polish
Ministry of Interior and Administration in Krakow.
full programme of the workshop in English
June 24 -25, 2006
Victoria! Well, 135th position... This is the
place Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko has taken with a time of 4 hours 5
minutes and 8 seconds in Midsummer Marathon in Gdynia. The event - very
good organized run, in part along the sea boulevard - was a part of the
celebration of 80th Anniversary of the city of Gdynia. It was 22nd
marathon (and fifth in Poland), which was completed by the Director of
TIGER within last five years. Congratulation!
At the finish line with Mr. Jerzy
Jaloszewski, the Director of Gdynia Centre for Sport
and Recreation
June 22, 2006
Dr Marcin Piątkowski, TIGER's Research Director, is a peer reviewer of
a research project sponsored by the European Commission on "Evaluation
Models and Tools for Assessment of Innovation and Sustainable
Development at the EU level". Dr Piątkowski participated in the
project's workshop held in Brussels.
of participants
June 21-24, 2006
Dr. Małgorzata Runiewicz - Assistant Professor at TIGER - took part in
the next project related meeting within the EU 6 Framework Programme
entitled: "Next Steps in Developing Information Society Services in New
Member States". The main goal of the meeting, organized by European
was to discuss partners' work on National Reports on the state and
perspectives for development of "eGovernment/eHealth and eLearning in
Poland", prepared by TIGER team.
June 15-18, 2006
Dr Jacek Tomkiewicz - Assistant Professor at TIGER - visited
Moscow State University. Aim of this research visit was to
collect data and opinions on fiscal policy in post-socialist economies.
June 14-16, 2006
Dr. Małgorzata Runiewicz - Assistant Professor at TIGER - took part in
the experts meeting, organized by
Innovative Actions Network for the Information Society
(Brussels) in
(Sweden). The meeting was organized within the 6 EU framework research
programme on "TRANSFORM - Benchmarking and Fostering Transformative Use
of ICT in EU Regions".
June 12-13, 2006
Institute for International Integration Studies of Trinity College
Dublin is the leading source of academic research in
international finance in Ireland. Together with the Journal of
Multinational Financial Management TCD organized a conference on
"Measuring and Managing Contagion". This was the first in a series of
five conferences to be organized over the coming years. Topics of the
meeting include European enlargement, financial service centers,
mergers and acquisitions, IPOs, corporate governance, capital structure
and dividend policy, financial engineering, risk management, asset
management, financial services, capital markets, regulation of capital
markets and financial institutions, financial accounting, financial
derivatives, valuation, asset pricing models, and multinational
financial management. At the conference, Director of TIGER, Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, participated in a special round table session on
"Political Action in Financial Crises: Dampers or Amplifiers".
June 8-9, 2006
Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz participated at the Regional
Studies Association Annual Conference 2006 on: "Shaping EU
Regional Policy: Economic, Social and Political Pressures",
in Leuven. The Regional Studies Association is The International Forum
for Regional Development Policy and Research. Dr. Runiewicz presented a
paper "The impact of the EU enlargement on cross-border developments
and competitive capacity building of North-West CIS regions".
and details
June 6, 2006, 4:00
p.m., room B5
Student Science Club Little
Tigers has elected the new Chairman - Joanna Grudzinska,
second year student at English Studies - Program in Management and
Marketing, WSPiZ, and an active member of Little Tigers.
May 2006
Professor U. Joy Ogwu, Director General of the
Institute of International Affairs (NIIA) and member of TIGER
Scientific Advisory Board, has been nominated by the by
Secretary General Kofi Annan for the position of Chairwoman of
Secretary-General's of the United Nations Advisory Board on Disarmament
Matters for 2006. Congratulations!
May 2006
Seven new papers have been published in Tiger Working Papers
Series: no. 86 ("Life Cycle of the Centrally Planned Economy: Why
Soviet Growth Rates Peaked in the 1950s" - Vladimir Popov, 87
("Institutional Economics and Transition Economies: Some Analytical
Issues" - Wei Ge), 88 ("The importance of institutions in expansionary
fiscal consolidations. A critical assessment of non-Keynesian effects"
- István Benczes) i 89 ("Globalization, Transformation and Management
Education" - Grzegorz W. Kolodko), 90 ("Corruption and Bureaucratic
Structure in a Developing Economy" - John Bennett and Saul Estrin), 91
("Regulatory Barriers and Entry in Developing Economies" - John Bennett
and Saul Estrin) and 92 ("Privatization when Workers Control Firms:
Mass Privatization versus MEBO" - John Bennett, Saul Estrin and James
May 31, 2006, 4:00
p.m., room B5
Prof. Krzysztof Kalicki, President of The Deutsche
Bank Polen Group in Warsaw was the guest of the TIGER's
monthly seminar. He presented the lecture and lead the discussion on
"The activity of The Deutsche Bank Group in Poland".
(in Polish)
(in Polish)
May 22, 2006, 4:00
p.m., room B5
Dr. Marcin Piatkowski from the
International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C. shared his
life experience in a TIGER and Science Club "Tigers"
seminar on "How to get from a high school in Raciborz to the
International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C.?".
May 13-19, 2006
Under the optimistic title "Cheer up" weekly "The
Economist" publishes consisting of six articles survey on
Poland. Edward Lucas - the survey author which recently (on March 13th)
has visited us and presented a seminar
at TIGER - acknowledges Dr. Marcin Piatkowski's help during
the preparation of the survey. While stressing the accomplishments and
challenges it Poland's economy (and, by the way, the leading position
of Kozminski Business School, WSPiZ) he quotes
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko "'The Polish emerging market works much better
than the Polish emerging democracy,' says Grzegorz Kolodko, a former
finance minister now based at one of Warsaw's top business schools." ("Cheer
up", p. 4).
May 17, 2006, 4:00
p.m., room B5
Monthly TIGER's seminar was devoted to the subject of "Financial
restructuring of a firm - the case of the consulting-investment company
GI NYWIG S.A", presented by Dr. Hanna Sokół, Vice President of The
Management Board of NYWIG.
(in Polish)
(in Polish)
May 11, 2006, 9:00 a.m.
- 12:00 p.m.
Business School hosted a group of 15 students,
together with their tutor and two accompanying professors, of the
Executive MBA program. The European trip of the team from Arkansas,
USA, was coordinated by the International Executive Education Center at
the Grenoble Ecole
de Management. During the visit at our school the guest had
also an opportunity to listen to the Director of TIGER, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
lecture on "Business Environment in Poland".
May 5, 2006
During his brief working visit in Armenia s capital -
Yerevan -
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko has met with the Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic
of Armenia - Dr. Tigran Sargasyan. The topics of the
discussion were the determinants and constraints of efficiency of the
momentary policy as well as its influence upon financial stability and
economic growth. Armenia, similarly as Poland, in her monetary policy
is aiming at the inflation targeting, currently set as no more than 3
per cent. In this endeavor Armenia is quite successful, since the CPI
is below 1 per cent, while at the same time the implemented policy in
not harmful - as it happens to be in Poland - for economic expansion.
In last six years Armenia has been proud of achieving two digits rate
of GDP growth, one of the highest among all postsocialist transition
economies. According to the Central Bank forecast this year rate of
growth should be around 10 per cent.
May 5, 2006, 1:30 p.m.
Prof. Grzegorz W.
Kolodko paid a visit to Armenia. At the invitation of the
Director of the Caucasus
Research Resource Centers (CRRC), Dr.
Heghine Manasyan, he meet with the faculty and students, and
presented a lecture entitled "Globalization and Transition to Market
and Democracy. The Lessons from Polish Experience". The lecture was
organized together with the Faculty of Economics of the Yerevan
State University.
At the
outskirts of Yerevan, the
Holy Echmiadzin
is the Vatican of the Armenian Apostolic Church
April 2006
"Toàn cầu hóa và tương lai của các nước đang chuyển đổi" means in
Vietnamese "Globalization and Catching-up In Transition Economies".
This is the title of Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko book published in Hanoi by Nhà xuất bản
chính trị quốc gia (State Political Publishing House). This is already
the tenth language in which this contribution has been published. In
was first published in English
by the University
of Rochester Press in 2001.
by Professor Nghia (in Vietnamese)
April 28-29, 2006
Dr Jacek Tomkiewicz - Assistant Professor at TIGER -
took part in the seminar organized by Faculty of Economics
University of Rome La Sapienza. Seminar was organized within
the international research project on "Inequality: mechanisms, effects,
policies". TIGER is part of research consortium of leading European
research centers.
April 24-25, 2006
Dr. Malgorzata Runiewicz participated at the scientific conference
entitled: "Towards the knowledge-based economy: innovativeness,
competitiveness, regional co-operation", organized by Institute of Economy at Management
and Administration Faculty of Swietokrzyska
Academy in Kielce. Dr Runiewicz presented a paper: "The role
of information technologies in building international competitiveness
of Poland and EU".
Program and details of the conference
(in Polish)
April 21, 2006, 2:00 p.m.
At the invitation of Professor
Vladimir Mau, Rector of Academy of National Economy
of the Russian Federal Government, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
presented to the students and faculty of the Academy a lecture on
"Globalization". It is not the first visit of TIGER's
Director at the Moscow Academy, since he had been there before in 2001.
In recent years a dozen Russian
language publication of Professor Kolodko had been released,
including four books:
"Polsza 2000. Nowaja ekonomiczeskaja strategija" ("Poland 2000. The New
Economic Strategy"), Poltext, Warsaw 1996; "Polskaja altiernatiwa.
Staryje mity, riealnyje fakty i nowaja strategija w processie
uspiesznoj transformacji polskoj ekonomiki" ("he Polish Alternative.
Old Myths, Real Facts and New Strategies"), Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moskwa 1997 (coauthor D. Mario Nuti); "Ot szoka k
terapii. Politiczeskaja ekonomija postsocjalisteczeskich
prieobrazowanij" ("From Shock to Therapy. The Political Economy of
Postsocialist Transformation"), ZAO 'Żurnal Expert', Moscow 2000;
"Globalizacja i perspektiwy razvitia post-socjalisticzeskich stran"
("Globalization and Catching-up in Transition Economies"), European
Humanitarian University, Minsk 2002.
April 17-21, 2006, 9:00-11:50 a.m.
As in previous year, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presented a 20 hours
cycle of lectures for the students of the Moscow School of
Economics at the Lomonosov State University.
This time the course addressed the issue of institutional aspects of
development in the global economy. In the recent years four books
authored by the TIGER's Director have been published in Russian: "Polsza 2000. Nowaja
ekonomiczeskaja strategija", Poltext, Warsaw 1996, p. 160, "Polskaja altiernatiwa. Staryje
mity, riealnyje fakty i nowaja strategija w processie uspiesznoj
transformacji polskoj ekonomiki" (co-author D. Mario Nuti),
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 1997, p. 86, "Ot szoka k terapii.
Politiczeskaja ekonomija postsocjalisteczeskich prieobrazowanij",
ZAO Żurnał Expert, Moscow 2000, p. 392 and "Globalizacja i perspektiwy
razvitia post-socjalisticzeskich stran, Jewropejskij Gumanitarnij
Uniwersitet", Minsk 2002, p. 200. Additionally, some major
papers have been also published in the leading Russian scientific
periodicals, e.g., in "Voprosy
Ekonomiki" and "Mir
Pieremien". Russian language papers by Professor Kolodko are
accessible on our website at
19, 2006
During his Moscow's visit Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko met with Professor Alexandr Nekipelov,
Vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
with whom he discussed the forms of further cooperation. At the meeting
they have discussed also about the challenges and development
perspectives of Russian economy as well as the topics of research and
economic education in both countries. Academician Nekipelov is the
member of the Scientific
Advisory Board of TIGER.
April 11, 2006, 1:15 p. m.
"How the 'second Japan' was built in Poland, or
where my Toyota has gone?" - this was a title of public lecture Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
presented at the Jagiellonian
University in Krakow. The lecture focused on the evaluation
of economic determinants, successes and failures of
postsocialist transformation thus far, as well as on the
analysis of the chances and threats for the future. Have we been able,
against the background of ongoing globalization, to accomplish what was
indeed possible? What kind of policy mistakes have been
committed already and what errors can still be avoided in the future
strategy for development? The event took place in the audytorium at the
campus on Gronostajowa 7 St.
April 11, 2006, 10:00 a.m.
At the invitation of Professor
Ryszard Borowiecki, the Rector of Economic
Academy in Krakow, Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko visited this distinguished university.
This time with a lecture on "Transformation of Polish Economy. Success
or Failure?".
Professor Ryszard Borowiecki, Rector of Economic Academy in Krakow
April 10, 2006, 12:15 p.m.,
Aula I
"Little Tigers"
Science Club organized a meeting with the Chairman of Polish
Business Roundtable Dr. Jan Kulczyk.
Dr Jan
Kulczyk z członkami Zarządu Koła Naukowego TYGRYSKI
April 6-8, 2006
Dr. Marcin Piatkowski, Research Director, delivered a lecture on the
impact of ICT on growth and productivity in the European Union during
an international conference on "Growth and Jobs: Challenges to the
Lisbon Strategy and European Competitivenes" organized in Budapest by
the International
Center for Economic Growth. Dr Piatkowski also
participated in the meeting of the Scientific Steering Committee of the
European Commission to discuss directions of research on the
development of information society in the EU.
April 6-7, 2006, 9:00
a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Within the framework of the program International Master in Management,
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presented a lecture and seminar
on "Globalization and the Great Post-Communist Change". The 10 days
series of lectures took place at the Kozminski
School of Business and a group of about 70 students from the
International School - from France, Great Britain and Spain as well as
from Kozminski Business School - took part in the event.
April 5, 2006, 4:30
p.m., Aula I
In 1989 this date - April 5th - had been written into the history, and
not only of Poland. At that time - exactly 17 years ago - the agreement
of two months lasting negotiations of the Polish
Round Tablehad been signed. The event has led our entire
region of the world toward the postsocialist transformation. What had
brought the Round Table negotiations? What caused the collapse - or was
it overthrown? - the previous system of the socialist centrally planned
economy? What kind of expectation were there in Poland and other
countries of the region in 1989 and what we were able to accomplish
during the last 17 years? What major policy mistakes have been
committed and why it did happen? Who are the losers and who are the
gainers? Why we may distinguish four different periods -
1990-93, 1994-97, 1998-2001 and 2002-05 - of alternatively worse and
better economic performance?What conclusions should be drawn from these
experiences thus far and what we may expect and must be concerned for
in the perspective of the next 17 years, until 2023? These are just
some of the crucial questions for which we tried to answer during the
special public lecture and seminar entitled "The Un-round Anniversary
of the Round Table", presented by Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, who had participated in the debate of
the Round Table and later twice have served as Deputy Premier and
Minister of Finance of Poland. Professor Jan
Marcin Kula and Professor
Wlodzinierz Pankow were the discussants.
Comments by Prof. Kolodko
published in 1988-89 (in Polish):
Part of the book entitled "Transformacja
polskiej gospodarki. Sukces czy porażka?" ("Transformation of
Polish Economy. Success or Failure?")
Part of the book entitled "Inflacja,
Reforma, Stabilizacja" ("Inflation, Reform, Stabilization")
April 3, 2006
While in Nagoya, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko has paid
a visit to TOYOTA Tsutusmi plant in Toyota City. During the visit
Director of TIGER had met with a representative of the management of
TOYOTA with whom he discussed the issues of managing the global company
within the environment of fierce international competition as well as
the TOYOTA investment in Poland. In last year TOYOTA - the second
largest manufacturer of cars in the world - sold 7 million 267 thousand
cars, of which 5 million 554 thousand overseas.
April 1, 2006, 11:00
Over the
past twenty years Nagoya University of
Commerce and Business Administration (NUCB) welcomes a
distinguished international politicians or scholars to be the guest
speaker for the Matriculation Ceremony. This year Professor Grzegorz W.
Kolodko had been invited by Professor Hiroshi Kurimoto, the President
of NUBC, to Nagoya,
to address this event, which usually is attended by over one thousand
students with their parents and over two hundred Faculty Members and
the university staff. Professor Kolodko spoke on cultural aspects of
business and economic policy at the era of global competition.
of speech (in Japanese)
March 2006
Journal of
Economic Literature (Volume 44, No. 1), leading world
economic journal, has published note on the book edited by Prof. G. W.
Kolodko. The book titled "The
Polish Miracle: Lessons for the Emerging Markets" is the
outcome of research problems coordinated by TIGER.
March 2006
The latest issue (No. 4/2005) of the Russian
quarterly "Mir
Pieremien" ("The World of Transformations"), published by the
Russian Academy
of Sciences, brings the article by Professor Grzegorz W.
Kolodko on "Vielikaya polskaya transformaciya: uroky dla
rozvivaiushchihsya rynkov" ("The Great Polish Transformation: Lessons
for Developing Market Economies").
(in Russian)
March 2006
The new paper within the TIGER
Working Paper Series is being just released. This time this
is an interesting and important contribution by the TIGER Scientific Advisory Board Member,
D. Mario Nuti form London Business School and
Universita di Roma 'La Sapienza'. The paper is entitled "Alternative
Fiscal Rules for the New Member States".
31, 2006
Grzegorz W. Kolodko while visiting Japan had met in Kyoto
with Professor Masahiro Taguchi from Okayama
University. Professor Taguchi is a member of TIGER Scientific Advisory Board.
During the meeting they have discussed the issues of further research
of TIGER as well as the forms and topics of cooperation with the
Japanese economists dealing with the problems of Globalization and
transformation. At the photo - Professors Taguchi and Kolodko at the
famous Golden Pavilion
temple (Kinkaku-ji),
the UNESCO world culture heritage site.
30, 2006, 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
The research group "Comparative Economic Studies" of the Institute for Economic Research of
the Kyoto University organized a guest
lecture by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko. During the meeting, which was
hosted by Professor Satoshi Mizobata, the TIGER's
Director spoke on "The Polish Transition Process. The Regional
and Global Context".
Professor Satoshi Mizobata
29, 2006, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
At the Department of Economics of Kobe
University Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko delivered the first
of a series of lectures and seminars presented during his short working
visit to Japan. The title of the lecture was "The Polish Transition to
Market and Democracy. Can the Success Hold On?".
In 2005 the book on "Shock kara
Ryouhou he - Touou ni okeru Post-Shakaishugi no Taisei Ikou kara EU
Kamei he" ("From Shock to Therapy. Post Socialist Countries'
Transformation Leading to Accession to the EU"), written by Director of
TIGER, has been published in Japanese (SanKeiSha, Nagoya 2005). Also
the Japanese journal Okayama Economic Review (Vol. 37, No. 1, June
2005, pp. 151-172) has published paper on "Seido,
Seisaku to Keizai-seicho" ("Institutions, Policies and
Growth"). Another Professor Kolodko's research papers in Japanese are
accessible at our website at
March 27, 2006, 5:30 p. m. (GMT +
"Hafa adai!" means "Welcome!" in Chamorro. This is - together with
English - second official language spoken at the island of Guam
on the Pacific
Ocean, where Director of TIGER, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
payed a visit. While presenting at the University of Guama
lecture on "From Shock to Therapy. The Implications of Postsocialist
Transformation in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union" he didn't
speak in Chamorro (not yet), but still in English. During the seminar
different strategies adopted by Poland and Russia in moving from an
economy based on a socialist principles to one based more on a free
market philosophy were discussed. In addition, some analysis of where
the different East Central European countries are in the changeover
process were presented as well.
March 26, 2006
The 38th place, in which Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko has finished the Guam
Marathon at Pacific, is the best thus far in his career as
the marathon man. Start in the darkness of small hours, at 4 a.m., +9
hours jet lag, 56 Fahrenheit degrees warmer thank in Warsaw, tropic and
high humidity, and in addition - despite the dry season - a torrential
rain - these has been just some more attractions of the challenging
March 22, 2006, 4:00
p.m., room B5
TIGER seminar, in which prof. Eugeniusz Kaciak from Department
of Business of Brock University in Canada gave
a lecture on: "Comparative Analysis of Education Systems in Poland and
March 20, 2006, 5:00
Grzegorz W. Kolodko visited Poznan to
present to the Association of Positivists of Great Poland a lecture on
"Un-round Anniversary of the Round Table". 17 years ago Professor
Kolodko, at that time Director of the Research Institute of Finance,
was participating in the economic debate of the historic Round Table.
The success of Polish Round Table led to the political break through
and take off of the postsocialist systemic transformation in our part
of the world. The event took place in the
Dzialynskis' Palace, Stary Rynek 78.
March 13, 2006, 4:30
p.m., room B6
TIGER's seminar titled "Role of the World Media in
Business". Seminar was conducted by Mr. Edward Lucas - Central and
Eastern Europe correspondent of "The Economist" weekly.
March 6, 2006
"'Relocation' of production and services and its impact on employment
in the European context" - this was a title of the experts meeting
organized by The National Institute for Working Life (SALTSA)
and the European Trade Unions Institute (ETUI) in Brussels.
During the seminar, in which Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko was
participating, the issue of the implications for labor market of the
relocation of production and services from Western to the Eastern
Europe was examined.
March 2, 2006
At the invitation of the Ambassador of the United States - Mr. Victor
Asche, an alumni of American Institute on Political and Economic
Systems (AIPES) - Małgorzata Runiewicz participated at a reception in
honor of the
American Fund of Studies, taking place in the Ambassador's
Residence in Warsaw.
The new Polish bi-monthly magazine "Bieganie"
("Running") has just
been published. It brings an interview with Director of TIGER under the
title "I am jogging, therefore I am". Professor G. W. Kolodko is
jogging daily and during last five years has run 20 marathons. Taking
this opportunity we would like to invite everybody - first of all the
students - to run!
Text of the
February 2006
publishes the newest book edited by the TIGER Director, Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko. The volume (pp. xxvi+295), entitled "The Polish Miracle. Lessons for the
Emerging Markets", discusses the transition to a market
economy, political democracy and civic society in Poland, the central
European country which initiated the process of post-communist
transformation sixteen years ago and which is now a member of the
European Union. The book has been written by an excellent team of
researchers with extensive experience of policymaking. It presents a
comprehensive research output within the field of comparative and
development economics and economic policy. The main attraction of the
book, however, are the lessons the emerging markets worldwide may learn
from the Polish experience.
Chapter by G.W. Kolodko
The book
publication with support by:
February 2006
The recent TIGER
Working Paper (No. 83) on "The Role of Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS) in the Economic Integration and Political
Stability of the Region", written by Malgorzata
Runiewicz and Hanna Antonova, has just been published.
February 2006
The Helsinki based World Institute for
Development Economics Research (WIDER) of the United
Nations University has published Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
paper on "Institutions,
Policies and Economic Development" as "Research Paper" No.
2006/21, February 2006. While visiting the WIDER a couple of times in
the recent years, the TIGER Director has participated in various
research projects and contributed several papers. Some of them are
available also on our
February 24-26, 2006
Tigers" Science Club organized a semester conference entitled
"PR not only for professionals". The conference - with the
participation of
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, who had presented a seminar on
his own experience with PR - took place in Ministry of Finance's
educational unit in Otwock.
February 21, 2006
Presentation of the book by dr Małgorzata Runiewicz entitled "The Impact of
Foreign Direct Investments on the Export Competitiveness of the Baltic
States in the European Single Market", took place in the Polish
Institute in Vilnius.
February 21, 2006, 4:00
p.m., room B5
Professor Andrzej Sopoćko, from Department of Management, the
Warsaw University - until recently Vicepresident of the Board
of Warsaw Stock Exchange, and in
1994-97 President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
- presented the TIGER monthly seminar. The topic of lecture
and following discussion was "The Eneterprise Financing through the
Stock Exchange".
January 2006
The first in 2006 issue of TIGER
Working Paper has just been published. TWP No. 81 presents a
new paper by the TIGER Director, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
entitled "Globalization and Its Impact on Economic Development".
January 2006
The latest issue of our series on globalization, transformation and
development - TIGER
Working Paper No. 82 - presents a paper by renowned Russian
economist, Professor Vladimir Popov from New
Economic School in Moscow, and the
Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Professor Popov's
contribution is entitled "Shock Therapy versus Gradualism Reconsidered:
Lessons from Transition Economies after 15 Years of Reforms".
January 30, 2006, 5:00
p.m., room B17
It was already the XVIIIth event within our series of the WSPiZ
& TIGER Distinguished Lectures. This time our guest
was distinguished American economist, First Deputy Managing Director of
the International
Monetary Fund, Professor Anne O. Krueger. The
topic of Ms. Krueger presentation, deals with the current tendencies
within and challenges to the world economy and the IMF response. The
lecture's title was "A 'continuous adventure': the pursuit of stability
and growth in modern economies".
January 23, 2006, 2:00
At the invitation of Professor Eduard Ponarin - Chair of the Department
of Political Science and Sociology of the European
University at St. Petersburg - Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko visited the university and presented a
lecture and seminar on "The Polish Transition. How Much of Success?".
The event took place at the Department of Economics, 3 Gagarinskaia
Source: http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/imilifst.html
January 23, 2006, 10:00
Professor Vladimir V. Okrepilov, the Corresponding Member of the
Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-Chairman of the St. Petersburg Scientific Centre of Russian
Academy of Sciences, was hosting Director of TIGER, Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, who presented a lecture and seminar on
"Globalization and Catching-up In Post-Communist Countries". Professor
Kolodko had published recently two
books in Russian and on our website his numerous research papers in
Russian are accessible.
January 21-25, 2006
Within the framework of the European Union research project: "Next
steps in developing Information Society Services in the New Member
States. The cases of eGovernment, eHealth and eLearning", in which
TIGER is one of the network institutions, dr Małgorzata Runiewicz
participated in the working meeting taking place in The European
Commission, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre
(IPTS) in Sevillia.
January 19-21, 2006
Seventh Annual Global Development Conference
on 'Institutions and Development: At the Nexus of Global Change', was
hold in St.
Petersburg, Russia. The event, organized by
the Global
Development Network (GDN), examined the crucial role of
institutions in the development process. Key sessions included
"Institutions and Global Development", "Institutional Reforms in
Transition and Developing Countries" and "Poverty Alleviation and
Sustainable Development: The Role of Institutions". As always, the
Conference attracted established researchers, including Nobel Laureates
among the keynote speakers. In addition, winners of the Global
Development Awards Competition was announced from amongst the finalists
presenting their work at the Conference. Professor Grzegorz W.
Kolodko chaired the special panel session on "Institutions,
Globalization and Employment" organized by the International
Labour Organization (ILO).
ILO Panel
January 19, 2006
"The European Dream. Unification of Nations, Fusion of Business" - this
is the title of 2006 STAR Congress to be held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. STAR
is the Study Association of the RSM/Erasmus University. It has
over 6.500 members, of which 1.000 are international students. The
objective of STAR is to offer development opportunities to students
during their study, intensify their curriculum through the means of
academic activities and stimulate the contact of students with key
individuals of today. Past STAR speakers include Mr. Vincente Fox
(President of Mexico), Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali (former UN
Secretary-General), Mr. A. Burgmans (Chairman Unilever N.V.) and Mr. M.
Monti (former European Commissioner). This time Professor G. W. Kolodko
has been invited to contribute a keynote speech to the Congress. The
topic of the lecture is "Whither Europe? The European Dreams and
Source: http://www.eur.nl/english/
January 17, 2006, 12:00
"Little Tigers" Science Club organized the meeting with H. E.
Ambassador of Brasil, Mr. Marcelo Jardim.
of Brazil
Source: http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/br.html
January 11, 2006, 4:00
p.m., room B5
TIGER seminar, in which dr Malgorzata Runiewicz - an Assistant
Professor in TIGER Research Centre - delivered a lecture on "The role
of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in enhancing the innovativeness
in the EU and United States. Policy implications to Poland".