As a part of International Consortium coordinated by the International
Center For Economic Growth in Budapest, TIGER has won a grant financed
by the European Union for the research on “Factors and Impact in the
Information Society: A Prospective Analysis in the Candidate
Countries”. TIGER represents Poland in the team of thirteen.
14—20, 2002
The Economist published professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko comment on the
pace of development of Poland and the level of fulfillment of criteria
for monetary convergence, especially with regard to reduction of the
budget deficit.
December 13, 2002
After long and hard, but fruitful negotiations during the EU summit in
Copenhagen, the conditions of Poland and nine other countries accesion
to EU had been adjusted. "The End Crown the Achievment", but it is not
the end, a lot of things needs to be done before 1 May 2004, when
Poland became the EU member. The negotiations results were presented on
the press conference with Polish Prime Minister Leszek Miller, and will
be ratify in Accesion Act. This Act will be signed during summit in
Athens - 16 April 2003.
7—13, 2002
“The Economist” in the article "What Convergence?" cites professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko with regard to the monetary convergence of new EU
member states from Central and Eastern Europe, and to prospects of
economic growth in Poland.
13, 2002, 10:30 a.m.
Lecture by Carlos A. Magarinos, Director General of UNIDO (United
Nations Industrial Development Organization) in the “WSPiZ and TIGER
Distinguished Lectures Series” entitled “Towards a Relevant
Development Policy Research Agenda”.
9, 2002
Marcin Piatkowski — TIGERs Research Director — took part in the OECD
Workshop on “ICT and Business Performance”.
The draft
program of the workshop..
9, 2002
The “Little
Tigers Science Club” hosted Andrzej Podsiadlo - PKO BP president. The
meeting took place at 6 p.m in room B5.
6-8, 2002
The "Little
Tigers Science Club" organised a conference - with the
participation of Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko - entitled
"Aspects of Corporate Finance".
6, 2002, 2 pm, room B5
The “Little
Tigers Science Club” hosted Terrance Drabant — Corporate Vice
President of the Lockheed Martin Mission Systems, who delivered a
lecture titled “How the US Translates National Objectives into
Operational Systems”.
3, 2002
The “Little
Tigers Science Club” and the “Science Club
Przedsiďż˝biorczo�� i Innowacyjno��” organised in the Warsaw
University of Technology a conference titled: “Entrepreneurship
— Key to Your Success”.
An article appeared in the “Perspektywy”
— a Polish monthly journal, describing Little Tigers Science Club and
its activities.
25, 2002, 10:30 a.m.
Lecture by Prof. Jacob A. Frenkel, Chairman of Merrill Lynch
International, Governor of the Bank of Israel (1991 — 2000) and
Economic Counselor and Director of Research at the IMF (1987 — 91) in
the “WSPiZ and TIGER
Distinguished Lectures Series” on “The Global Economy: Strong
Fundamentals vs. Financial Vulnerabilities”.
Director of
TIGER — professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko and professor Jacob A. Frenkel —
Chairman of Merrill Lynch International
... with
the rector of the Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and
Management — professor Andrzej K. Kozminski
20, 2002, 5:00 p.m.
Jacek Tomkiewicz — assistant at TIGER — presented lecture on “Capital
Formation in Post-socialist Countries”. The lecture was a presentation
of the research done within preparing Jacek Tomkiewicz’s Ph. D.
Author’s CV
18, 2002
The “Little
Tigers Science Club” hosted dr. Adrian
Szumski, Leon Ko�mi�ski Academy of Entrepreneurship and
Management lector. The meeting took place at 6 p.m in room B5. The
topic was: “Case Study without secrets”.
11, 2002, 9:00
Lecture by Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, on
“Globalization and the Future of Post-communist Economies” at the European
Humanities University (EHU), Minsk, Belarus. The lecture is
part of the presentation of a new book of Prof. Kolodko published in
Russian by the EHU under the title “Globalizacja
i perspektiwy razwitija postsocialisticzeskich stran”
Anatoliy Mikhailov, Rector of the European Humanities University,
presents Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko's latest book in Russian
5, 2002
In December, Little
Tigers Science Club organises two conferences: “Entrepreneurship
— Key to Your Success” (3th December, Warsaw University of
Technology), and “Aspects
of Corporate Finance” (6—8 December, 2002).
4, 2002
Lecture by Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, entitled
“Poland and the EU Enlargement” at the Yale University, CT, USA. Prof.
Kolodko visited the Yale University back in 1998 as a Senior Research
4, 2002
TIGER’s working session in Yale University, USA. In the picture from
the right: Grzegorz W. Kolodko — Director of TIGER, Kathleen Consler —
Development Director, American Office, and Marcin Piatkowski — Research
Director. In the background the monument of Elihu Yale, the founder of
the Yale University.
3, 2002
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko run his fourth marathon this year — the
New York City Marathon. With the result of 3:56:26 he was
8496th, among 35.000 contestants, out of whom 31.834 completed the
distance of 26,2 mile. (This result was 18 minutes worse then the one
achieved last year in Toronto Waterfront Marathon —
1, 2002
Meeting of Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, in Washington
D.C. with Horst Koehler, Managing Director of the International
Monetary Fund, James Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank and John
B. Taylor, Deputy US Secretary of Treasury.
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, with Horst Koehler, Managing
Director of the International Monetary Fund, and Anne Kreuger, Deputy
Managing Director
IMF Photo
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, and James Wolfensohn, President
of the World Bank
This Autumn Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko delivers his
new series of lectures titled “Globalization and Postsocialist
Transformation”. The syllabus is available (in Polish)
from the TIGER website. It‘s paper version can be obtained from the
Assistant in TIGER — Andrzej Bolesta.
Marcin Pi�tkowski, TIGER's Research Director, offered a new course on
“Bank—enterprise cooperation”.
28, 2002
Tigers Science Club" hosted a meeting with Enrico Pavoni, the
chairman of the Fiat Auto Poland S.A.
27, 2002
Tigers Science Club" presented the meeting itinery
for the winter semester.
23, 2002, 5 p.m.
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko hosted TIGER seminar: “The ‘New Economy’
and Economic Growth in Post—Socialist States”. Marcin Piatkowski —
Research Director at TIGER — presented results of his research
conducted this summer at WIDER, Helsinki.
20, 2002
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko took part in the inauguration ceremony of
the new academic year at the Catholic University (KUL) in Lublin.
14-25, 2002
Assistant in TIGER — Jacek Tomkiewicz was in OECD
headqaurter (Paris). During the internship he conducted research as
part of his PhD thesis preparation “Fiscal Policy and Capital Formation
in Post-socialist Countries”.
11, 2002
The Deputy Premier and Finance Minister professor Grzegorz W. Ko�odko
presented to the Polish Parliament (Sejm), the project of the 2003
state budget.
in Polish
7, 2002, 18:00
First meeting after Holidays of the “Little Tigers” Science Club.
3 - 4, 2002
At the invitation of Carlos A. Magarinos - the
Director-General of UNIDO (United Nations
Industrial Development Organization)
— Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, the Director of TIGER, took part in
the meeting of international group of experts 'Venice II' in Venice.
During the meeting he discussed the equity and efficiency dimensions of
economic reform in transition economies.
A new book titled “New
Economy and Old Problems. Prospects of Fast Growth in Post-socialist
countries” edited by prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko and Marcin
Piatkowski has been published by the Wydawnictwo WSPiZ.
Director of TIGER, professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko was awarded the prize
for outstanding scientific achievements by the Minister of Education
and Sport for the publication of the book "Globalizacja i perspektywy
rozwoju krajów posocjalistycznych" (TNOiK, Toruďż˝ 2001). The
book, English title: 'Globalisation and the Development Perspectives of
the Postsocialist Countries', was also published in English, Ukrainian, Hungarian and
The Spanish edition will be published by Siddharth Mehta Ediciones in
the 4th quarter of the current year.
30, 2002
Marcin Pi�tkowski, TIGER's Research Director, received the III Grade
Award of the Rector of the Leon Kozminski Academy of Entreprenuership
and Management, Warsaw, Poland, for his article on “The Institutional
Infrastructure of the ‘New Economy’ and Catching-up Potential of
Post-socialist Countries” published in EMERGO
Journal of Transforming Economies and Societies, Vol.9, No.2, Spring
2002. The awarding ceremony took place during the official
inauguration of the academic year 2002/2003 at the Kozminski Academy.
30, 2002, 12:00
Official inauguration of the 2002/2003 academic year at
the Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management. The
Prime Minister of Poland — Leszek Miller, the First Deputy Premier and
the Finance Minister — professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko took part in the
5-7, 2002, Krynica
Director of TIGER - prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko took part in Economic
Forum in Krynica. Marcin Piatkowski and Jacek Tomkiewicz also
participated in the event.
22, 2002
Book by Director of TIGER - professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko - titled
"Globalizacja i perspektiwy razwitija postsocialisticzeskich stran" (in
Russian) was published in Belarus by Ewropejskij Gumanitarnyj
Uniwersitet (European Humanities University) in Minsk.
of Contents (in Russian)
(in Russian)
August 21,
Marcin Piatkowski - Research Director at TIGER -
presented a seminar at the United Nations University World
Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU/WIDER), Helsinki,
Finland, on "The 'New Economy' and Economic Growth in
Transition Economies".
Photo. Ara
August 17, 2002
In 1952
during the Olympic Games in Helsinki Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko was 3
years old. 50 years later he finished his own marathon in the same
stadium at the time of 3:52:23. He was classified in the 1435th
position out of a total of 5029 contenders.
Mieczyslaw Ostojski
Marathon's finishing line was situated in the Helsinki Olympic
Stadium, in the same place as 50 years ago during the Olympic
August 7,
The US-registered non-profit "The Leon
Ko�mi�ski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management Foundation"
established by the WSPiZ and TIGER received the tax-exempt 501 (c)(3)
status from the IRS.
July 29,
Marcin Piatkowski has been nominated to the post of
the Research Director at TIGER.
July 27,
The day after the debate in Parliament, the
„Anti-crisis Package” was presented by Premier Minister Leszek Miller
and Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance Grzegorz W. Kolodko to a
hundreds-strong group of entrepreneurs from Lodz.
July 6, 2002
The Director of TIGER - Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko - was
nominated by the President of Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski,
to the post of Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance.
Photo from
the President of the Republic of Poland internet website (
17, 2002, Staszic Palace
Director of TIGER – Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko will take
part in conference on “How to Create New Jobs in Poland”, where he will
present paper. The Conference is organized by Polish Economic
(in Polish)
15, 2002
There was the great reunion and celebrations of the
anniversary of Maria Sklodowska-Curie High School in Tczew, of which
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko is the graduate. At the invitation of the
Board and Director of the school he will participate in this event as a
distinguished guest.
8 - 14, 2002
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER,
visited China. On June 10-12th he will participate in the International
Symposium on Comparative Study of Institutional Arrangements during
Economic Transition, organized by China Institute for Reform and
Development in Haikou (Hainan Island), where he will present a paper on
"Globalization and Transformation". Later, on June 13-14th in Beijing,
at the invitation of the National Economic Research Institute and China
Reform Foundation, he will present a lecture on "Economics and Politics
of Postsocialist Transformation: The Lessons from Polish Experience"
and at the Chang-An Forum will give a seminar on globalization and
growth in emerging markets.
Its worth to mention that in 2000 the Chinese translation ("Cong Xiu ke
Dao Liao fa: Hou she hui zhu yi de Zheng zhi jin gji", Shanghai Far
East Press, Shanghai-Beijing) of professor Kolodko's book on "From
Shock to Therapy. The Political Economy of Postsocialist
Transformation" (Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York 2000) has
been published
10-August 31, 2002
Marcin Piatkowski, Research Assistant to the Director,
will take part in the Ph.D. programme organized by the United Nations
University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU/WIDER),
Helsinki, Finland. Mr. Piatkowski's doctoral dissertation focuses on
the impact of the 'new economy' on economic growth in postsocialist
visiting researchers
Resident Reseach Staff
7, 2002, 10:30, room B17
Jacques de Larosiere, former President of the IMF,
Bank of France and EBRD, will deliver the 8th WSPiZ and
TIGER Distinguished Lecture on the "Evolution of the
International Financial System".
with Jacques de Larosiere
3, 2002, 6 p.m. room B6
Director of TIGER – Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko – will
present his new book “Tiger with a Human Face”.
19 - June 2, 2002
WIDER & TIGER. At the invitation of Professor
Tony Shorrocks -- Director of UNU/WIDER (
- on May 19th - June 2nd Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, the TIGER
Director, will visit Helsinki. On May 27th, at 3:00pm (NAUTICA
conference room, Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6),he will
present WIDER Public Lecture on "Globalization and Catching-up in
Emerging Market Economies".
Discussion Paper 2002/51
Director of WIDER - Professor Tony Shorrocks - presents the
Oxford University Press book written by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
on "From Shock to Therapy. The Political Economy of Postsocialist
23, 2002
Daily „Trybuna” published article by director of TIGER,
professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko titled: “3-5-7-7 instead of 1-3-5-5. The
Receipt for Rescue”. The article contains suggestions for monetary
policy and exchange rate regime. Prof. Kolodko suggests to
devaluate polish zloty and to implement currency board using euro, what
should accelerate economic growth in Poland.
22, 2002
Assistant at TIGER — Andrzej Bolesta delivered a lecture at the Warsaw
University’s Institute of Developing Countries, titled “Land Reform in
17, 2002, 10:00 a.m., Room B 17
Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs – Mr. Wlodzimierz
Cimoszewicz – will visit Leon Kozminski Academy of Enterpreneurship and
Management. Minister Cimoszewicz will take part in conference on
“Globalization and Catching – up in Emerging Market Economies”
organized by TIGER. Mr. Cimoszewicz will deliver lecture on “Poland in
the Contemporary World”.
Special address by Foreign
Affairs Minister - Dr. W. Cimoszewicz
16-17, 2002, WSPiZ
TIGER's international conference on the "Globalization and Catching-up
in Emerging Market Economies".
Main sponsor:
16, 2002, WSPiZ
Prof. Douglass C. North, Spencer T. Olin Professor in Arts and
Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis, USA, Nobel Laureate in
Economics 1993 will deliver the next WSPiZ and TIGER Distinguished
Lecture on: „Understanding economic change and economic growth"
Douglas C. North -
Autobiography -
11, 2002 at 10:00
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko - the TIGER's Director
- has run his already fourth marathon since last May. This
time in Krakow, where beautiful 26,2 miles long route went through the
Old Town and along Vistula river. Prof. Kolodko has run Cracovia
Marato in time: 3 h 57 min. and 39 s.
At the
finish line of Cracovia Marathon with Olympic Champion from Atlanta and
Sydney -- Mr. Robert Korzeniowski
Tomasz Bochenek
10-12 , 2002, Spala
Student Science Club "Little TIGERS" organized again
conference in Spala.
10-11, 2002
Marcin Piatkowski, Research Assistant to the Director,
presented a paper on the "Impact
of the 'New Economy' on Economic Growth in Post-socialist Countries:
The Relevance of Institutional Infrastructure" during a
conference on the "The New Economy in Development" organized by the
United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics
Research (UNU/WIDER), Helsinki, Finland.
8, 2002, 10:00
Polish Prime Minister, Leszek Miller will meet with
students of the Leon Kozminski Academy of Enterpreneurship
and Management. Leszek Miller will deliver lecture on “Opportunities
and Threats of Polish Accession to EU”
22, 2002, 10:00 a.m.
Director of TIGER – prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko - will
take part in seminar organized by Institute of Political
Studies in Polish Academy of Sciences.
Professor Kolodko will deliver lecture on "Global Economy and Polish
Perspectives of Development".
17, 2002, 17.00, room B5
The lecture of Prof. Jerzy Hausner, Minister of Labour
and Social Policy, Director of the Department of Public
Economy and Administration at Cracow Academy of Economics. The lecture
titled "Enterpreneurship and Labour Market", is part of the series of
TIGER Seminars. All WSPiZ is invited !!!
of Prof. Jerzy Hausner (in Polish)
15, 2002
First anniversary of the Students Science Club "Little
Established in 2001 at the initiative of prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
Director of TIGER, "Little Tigers" have become the largest student
organization at the WSPiZ, with more than one hundred members.
During the first year the Science Club has organized two conferences,
many seminars and meetings with the elite of the Polish economic,
business and political life.
On this occasian, we would like to invite all of our friends to our
anniversary party held on the 18 of April at 20.00 in the Magnes club
(Ga�czy�skiego 3).Still more is to come!
Please visit us at "Little Tigers" section.
3, 2002
Few journalists from Spain met with Director of TIGER,
prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko. During meeting journalist could achieve some
information about Polish economic situation. The goal of meeting,
organized by Adam Mickiewicz Institute was to propagate knowledge about
Poland among EU nations.
A book entitled "Transition to Democracy in Eastern Europe and Russia:
Impact on Politics, Economy and Culture" was published by Praeger
Publishers. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko contributed a chapter to this
book on "Fiscal Policy and Capital Formation in Transition Economies".
Table of
20, 2002, 17.00, room B5
The lecture of Prof. Katarzyna Duczkowska-Malysz from
the President's Cabinet. The lecture titled "The Development of
Problematic Regions in the Context of EU Economic Policy", is part of
the series of TIGER Seminars. All WSPiZ is invited !!!
of Prof. Duczkowska-Malysz (in Polish)
Abstract of
the lecture (in Polish)
14-15, 2002, WSPiZ
Second edition of an
international research project on the "New economy". The
conference will tackle the issue of "The 'New Economy' and Old
Problems. The Prospects for Fast Growth in Transition
Main Sponsor:
11, 2002, Kiev
Director of TIGER - professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko - at
the invitation of former Ukrainian Prime Minister Victor Yushchenko,
will take part in the Ukrainian round table discussion on
perspectives for the socio-economic development in Ukraine.
dlia Ukraini"
5, 2002
Group of South-American journalists met with Director
of TIGER – Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko. Meeting was organized by Adam
Mickiewicz Institute. Journalists from South America are
interested in Polish economic situation because of planning visit of
Polish President, Aleksander Kwasniewski in few countries of South
20, 2002, 17.00, Room 9
The lecture of Prof. Wies�aw Czyzowicz, professor of
the Warsaw School of Economics. Professor Czyzowicz will talk about
legal aspects of E-business. The lecture is part of the series of TIGER
Seminars. All WSPiZ is invited!!!
6, 2002
Director of TIGER - professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko will
conduct at London Business School seminar on "Globalization and the
Future of Poland's Economy".
24 - February 3, 2002
Director of TIGER - professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko - at
the invitation of Centro de Estudios Publicos in Santiago and
Universidad Catolica de Chile, will be a guest in Chile. He will
deliver lectures and seminars at universities and research institutes.
One of institutions which will be hosting professor Kolodko is Economic
Commision for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Professor
Kolodko will speak on economic development policy, institutional
reforms, postsocialist transformation and globalization.
January 24, 2002
'Businessman Magazine', a leading Polish business
magazine, quotes Marcin Piatkowski, Research Assistant to the Director,
in the article "Barbarians at the Gate", which deals with an issue of
the future of management buyouts in Poland.
More (in Polish)...
January 23,
2002, 17.00, Room 9
The lecture of Prof. Jan Czekaj, Director of
the Research Center on the Financial Sector at the Cracow
Academy of Economics, on the "Effectiveness of the Polish stockmarket".
The lecture is part of the series of TIGER Seminars.
All WSPiZ is invited!!!
22, 2002
Director of Tiger - professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko -
will be again guest of Center for European and Russian
Studies at UCLA. In Bunge Hall, (UCLA, Los Angeles) at 2 p.m. Professor
Kolodko will deliver a lecture on "Globalization and the
Future of Post-Communist Countries"
20, 2002
The Director of TIGER, prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko has
successfully finished his third marathon in less than 8
months. This time he completed the San Diego Marathon in 4
hr. 7 min. 37 sec., placing 704th out of 1872 runners!
Still 4
hours to run...
January 10,
Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of
TIGER, was a guest of a TV program "Gosc Jedynki" on
TVP1, nation-wide public TV station. Professor Kolodko talked about
current economic situation in Poland.