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the news
Polish version |
December 19, 2001, 17.00, Room 9
The lecture of Prof. Jan Monkiewicz, professor of Warsaw School of
Economics and a Chairman of Polisa Życie S.A., an
insurance company, on the "Future of the financial sector in
Poland in the face of global competition". The lecture is part
of the series of TIGER Seminars. All WSPiZ is invited!!!
Abstract of
the lecture (in Polish)
December 16, 2001, 6 p.m.
Interview with Director of TIGER - Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko. One
can hear the interview on Radiostacja - 101,5 FM. Professor Kolodko
will speak on economic issues of globalization.
December 14-16, 2001
Next semi-annual conference of the student Science Club "Little Tigers"
on the "Financial institutions in the face of challenges of the XXI
The list of participants includes Andrzej K. Koźmiński, Rector of
WSPiZ, Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, representatives of Bank
Handlowy S.A., Merrill Lynch, Expander.pl, Advent International, DWS,
Polski Dom Finansowy, Warsaw Stock Exchange, and Monetary Policy
(in Polish) ...
December 14, 2001
The seventh birthday of our associate tiger Harnaś from the Warsaw ZOO.
Happy Birthday!!!
December 2, 2001, 11.00
Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, was a
guest of a TV program "Perfectly Clear" on CBS-WROC8, Rochester, NY.
The panel's discussion centred on implications of an on-going
process of democratization and globalization for the global economy and
November 25 - December 2, 2001
TIGER's working session in its American Office in
Rochester, NY, USA. In the picture, session at the Niagara Falls: from
the left Grzegorz W. Kołodko, Director of TIGER, Kathleen
Consler, Development Director, American Office, and Marcin
Piatkowski, Research Assistant to the Director.
November 27, 2001, 12.00,
Frederic Douglass Bldg., Meliora Trustee Room, University of Rochester,
The lecture of Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Dirtector of TIGER and John
C. Evans Professor in Polish and European Studies at the Department of
Political Sciences, University of Rochester, on the "Globalization and
Poland's Economic Future".
November 26, 2001, 18.00, room B5
Science Club "TIGERS" invites everyone for a
lecture of Mr. Tomasz Sielicki, CEO and main
shareholder of Computerland
S.A., one of Polish leading computer technology
companies, on "What is left from the 'new economy'"?
November 21, 2001
The paper "Leveraged Buyouts in Poland" authored by Marcin
Piatkowski, Research Assistant to the Director at TIGER, was recently
listed on SSRN's (Social Science Research Network) Top Ten download
list for the journal/topic "Transition Economics". You may view the
abstract and download statistics at the URL:
To view the entire top ten list, visit The SSRN Electronic Library at http://papers.ssrn.com/
November 16, 2001, 12.00, Room B17
Prof. Janos Kornai, Allie S. Freed Professor of Economics at the
Harvard University, will deliver a lecture in "WSPiZ & TIGER
Distinguished Lectures Series" on "The New Role of the State in a
Post-socialist Economy"
About Prof.
Janos Kornai
of the lecture
Prof. Andrzej K. Koźmiński
Prof. Janos Kornai
Dr. Zsusa Daniel
Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko
November 1, 2001
Director of TIGER - professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko - at the invitation
of the World Bank Vice-president, Mr. Johannes Linn, will present a
lecture on "Globalization and Postsocialist Transformation. Illusions
and Reality".
The seminar will take place on Thursday, November 1st, 2001 at the
headquarter of the World Bank, 1818 H Street, Washington, DC. www.worldbank.org
Summary (in
English) Resume
(in French)
October 31, 2001
The paper "Globalization and Catching-up: From Recession to Growth in
Transition Economies" authored by Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
Director of TIGER, was recently listed on SSRN's (Social Science
Research Network) Top Ten download list for the journal/topic
"Development Economics". You may view the abstract and download
statistics at the URL:
To view the entire top ten list, visit The SSRN Electronic Library at http://papers.ssrn.com/
October 26, 2001
Leon Koźmiński Academy and Entrepreneurship and Management and TIGER
will host Donald Johnston - the Secretary General of OECD. Donald
Johnston will deliver a lecture in the WSPiZ Distinguished Lectures
Series "Future Challenges for the European Economy" on the development
trends in the global economy and the role of the OECD in creation of
the new international institutional order at the beginning of the XXI
century. Donald Johnston and Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
Director of TIGER, signed on July 11, 1996 the landmark agreement on
the accession of Poland to the OECD. Donald
Abstract of
the lecture
Photo gallery
Jorge Braga
de Macedo
President of the OECD Development Centre
Andrzej K.
Rector of WSPiZ
Donald Johnston
the Secretary General of OECD
Grzegorz W. Kołodko
Director of TIGER
This bell was ringing when Donald
Johnston and Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko signed on July 11, 1996 the
landmark agreement on the accession of Poland to the OECD.
Prof. Kolodko promises that he will give
this historical bell person, who will sign our accession to
October 24, 2001, 19.00, Room 9
The lecture of Prof. Krzysztof Kalicki, professor of WSPiZ and a Deputy
Chairman of Duetsche Bank Polska S.A., on the "Money and
balance of payments". The lecture is part of the
series of TIGER Seminars, which normally take place on every Wednesday
in the week before the month's final week. All WSPiZ is
Abstract of the
lecture (in Polish)
October 19-21, 2001
On the invitation of Michail Gorbachev and Diego Hidalgo, President of
FRIDE, Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, will take part as
an expert in the international "Conference on Democratic Transition and
Consolidation", which will take place in Madrid, Spain. At the
conference Prof. Kolodko will deliver a speech on the "Postsocialist
Trasition and the Integration to the World Economy. Economic Prospects
and Social Challenges". The conference, organized by
Fundacion Para Las Relaciones Internacionales Y El Dialogo (FRIDE) and
Gorbachev Foundation of North America (GFNA), will be a prelude to the
meeting of heads of states, which will take place in Madrid a week
later on October 26-27
With H.R.H. the Crown Prince
Felipe De Borbon - the Prince of Asturia - in the Museo
October 12, 2001
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, together with Ms.
Jeane Kirkpatrick, the former USA Ambassador to the United Nations,
will particpate in a panel discussion on "Emerging Democracies". The
panel will take place during the University of Rochester's Meliora
Weekend Celebration in Rochester, NY, on 2:15 pm, Friday, October 12th,
October 1-14, 2001
Marcin Piatkowski, Research Assistant to the Director at TIGER,
will visit the OECD Development Centre, Paris,
on a study related to his on-going research on the
PhD dissertation "The impact of the "New Economy" on Economic
Growth in Postsocialist Countries".
September - December 2001
Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, will again tutor American
students at the Department
of Political Science, University of Rochester, New York, USA.
Prof. Kolodko as the John C. Evans Professor in European and Polish
Studies will hold a course on the macroeconomics and economic policy.
With the
Dean of College of Arts and Scineces - Professor William Scott
Green. At the background the portrait of Ignacy Paderewski, a
gift to The Skalny Center for Polish and Central European
September 30, 2001
Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, will deliver an
inaugurational speech on "The global economy and the future of Poland"
at the Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management on the
occasion of the beginning of the new academic year 2001/2002. Aleksander
Kwaśniewski, the President of Poland, also took part in the
23, 2001
"Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, has finished
traditional Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 3 hours 38 minutes and 22
seconds, while taking 13th place in his age category and
improving his best result thus far by over half an hour!"
August, 2001
The three consecutive editions of EMERGO (Autumn 2000,
Winter 2001 and Spring 2001) - a quarterly Journal of
Transforming Economies and
Societies - published papers presented
at the
March 2001 TIGER conference on "The New Economy" and Its Implications
for Long-Term Growth in Post-Socialist Countries".
More on http://www.emergo-journal.pro.onet.pl
August 25, 2001
The book by Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko - "From Shock to Therapy: The
Political Economy of Postsocialist Transformation" will be published in
March 2002 in Japanese under the title of "Posuto-Shakaishugi-no
Taisei-iko. 'Shokku' kara 'Ryoho' e." by TAGA
Publishing Corporation (Tokyo) Hiroichi Iemoto,
Masairo Taguchi, and Masahiko Yoshii will be the main translators. This
will be the fourth translation of the original book in English - so far
the book has been translated into Russian, Chinese and Polish.
on the book...
August 25, 2001
The paper "The 'New Economy' and the Old Problems. Prospects for Fast
Growth in Postsocialist Countries" authored by Prof. Grzegorz W.
Kolodko, Director of TIGER, was recently listed on SSRN's (Social
Science Research Network) Top Ten download list for the journal/topic
"Technology (Topic)". You may view the abstract and download statistics
at the URL:
To view the entire top ten list, visit The SSRN Electronic Library at http://papers.ssrn.com/
August 22, 2001
Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, was a
guest of a TV program "Gosc Jedynki" on TVP1. Professor Kolodko talked
about current economic situation in Poland.
August 20, 2001
Kathleen Consler joined TIGER as Development Director of
TIGER's American Office in Rochester, New York. Ms. Consler will be
responsible for promotion of TIGER and its fundraising
operations in the US.
More on Kathy Consler...
July 21-29, 2001
Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, was a crew member on the
board of a tall ship 'Zawisza Czarny' on a cruise in the Baltic Sea.
The tall ship with a total sail surface of 439 m2 covered a distance of
962 miles; sails powered the ship for a total of 48 hours; the diesel
engine propelled the ship for the other 116 hours. "Zawisza Czarny"
visited Helsinki, Finland, and Visby on the Island of Gotland, Sweden
June 28-30, 2001
Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, and Marcin Piatkowski,
Research Assistant to the Director, took part in the VII
edition of the annual conference organized in Dubrovik, Croatia, by the
National Bank of Croatia and International Monetary Fund. This year's
conference discussed international financial architecture in
the context of the liberalization of capital movements.
Pictures from
June 24-26, 2001
Director of TIGER - Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko - took part in
the 30th European Foundation for Management Development Annual
Conference "One Europe? One World?" This year, for the first time, the
conference was hosted by Poland at the Leon Koźmiński Academy
of Entrepreneurship and Management in Warsaw (www.wspiz.edu.pl). Prof.
Kolodko moderated the panel discussion on the post-socialist
transformation, which featured Prof. Oleg Bogomolow (Institute
for International Economics and Political Studies RAS, Moscow, Russia),
Prof. Zdzisław Sadowski (Chairman of the Polish Economic Association,
Warsaw), Cristian Baleanu (Deputy Director of the International
Management Foundation - FIMAN, Bucharest, Romania) and Krzysztof
Kielbratowski (Managing Partner Ernst & Young S.A., Warsaw).
Prof. Robert A. Mundell, 1999 Nobel Prize Winner in Economics and the
Chairman of the TIGER Scientific Advisory Board, was the distinguished
speaker at the conference.
June 12, 2001, 12.00
Prof. Mario I. Blejer, Senior Advisor, Monetary
and Exchange Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and
well-known expert on monetary policy, will deliver a lecture in the
"WSPiZ Distinguished Lectures" and "knowledge incuBATor" series on
"Asian Crisis - Four Years Later and Its Implications for Emerging
About Prof.
Mario I. Blejer
of the lecture...
June 6-10, 2001
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of
TIGER, will be visiting Belarus on the invitation of
European Humanities University in Minsk. Prof. Kolodko will deliver
lectures on the globalization and the post-socialist transformation at
the University and the Minsk International Education Center. Prof.
Kolodko will also meet with local politicians and businessmen.
of the visit
May 31, 2001, WSPiZ
Conference "The Long-Run Socio-Economic Development in
Poland. Challenges and Prospects"
May 31, 2001,
Prof. Kazimierz Laski, The Vienna Institute for International Economic
Studies (WIIW), will deliver a special lecture on "In What Way Do Total
Investments Define Total Savings and What Implications Does It Have for
the Economy?".
About Prof. Kazimierz Laski
May 28,
2001, 18.00, room B6
Science Club "TIGERS" invites everyone
for a lecture of Mr. Jan Maciejewicz, General Manager
of A.T. Kearney in Poland, on the "Strategic
consulting - conditions, challenges, and prospects".
A.T. Kearney presentation - download
May 26,
Traditional Toruń Marathon took place on the last Saturday,
May 28. The XIX edition for the first time featured prof.
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER. Prof. Kolodko succcessfully
covered the whole distance of 42 kilometers and 195 meters in
4 hours 09 min. 07 seconds!!!
Fot. Rafał
May 23,
2001, 17.00, Room 9
Prof. Ephraim Kleiman, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel, will deliver a lecture on "Human Capital
Evaluation in the Talmud". The lecture will be held in the series of
TIGER Seminars, which normally take place on every Wednesday in the
week before the month's final week. All WSPiZ is invited!!!
Prof. Ephraim Kleiman
May 18 - 20, 2001
Science Club "Tigers",
affiliated with TIGER, will hold a seminar on the "Sports in business
and business in sports" in the Poland's Olympic Training Center in
Spala. The seminar - with the participation of Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
- will feature members of the Science Club and a number of
distinguished sportsmen, sport activists and businessmen like Czesław
Lang (former cyclist and main organizer of the Tour de Pologne), Jerzy
Kulej (former Olympic medalist in boxing), Stefan Paszczyk (head of the
Polish Olympic Commitee), and Wojtek Brzozowski (current World Champion
in windsurfing).
more (in polish)
April 27 - May 11, 2001
Director of TIGER, Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, will visit the U.S. and
Canada where he will deliver a series of lectures and will participate
in a number of workshops. The program of his journey includes visits to
Philadelphia, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Ottawa and Montreal. The
lectures and seminars will be presented at Haverford College, Berkeley
University, Stanford, UCLA, Milken Institute in Santa Monica, Carleton
University in Ottawa and McGill University in Montreal. During his
visit to Montreal Prof. Kolodko will meet with Canadian politicians and
businessmen and will take part in the opening of Poland's Economic Fair
in the "Palais de Congress".
more ...
April 26, 2001
Prof. Mario D. Nuti, University of Rome "La Sapienza" and London
Business School, a distuinguished economist and expert in the process
of post-socialist transformation, will deliver a lecture in
"WSPiZ Distinguished Lectures" series on "Not Just Another Accesion".
About Prof. Mario D. Nuti...
April 5-15, 2001
Marcin Piatkowski, Research Assistant at TIGER, visited London Business
School (LBS) as a part of on-going research on his PhD dissertation on
"The impact of information and communication technologies on economic
growth in post-socialist countries". Marcin Piatkowski also met a
number of LBS professors with a view to establishing cooperation
between TIGER and LBS.
April 12, 2001
Director of TIGER, professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, took part in a
conference organized in Kiev by the government of Ukraine on the
"Goverment Public Report on Implementation of the Goverment Program
'Reforms for Prosperity" (program). Prof. Grzegorz Kolodko participated
in the conference as an UNDP
expert. During his visit, Prof. Kolodko also met with Mr. Wiktor
Juszczenko, Ukraine'e Prime Minister, and delivered a lecture on
globalization and the Szewczenko National University in Kiev.
April 6-7, 2001
Marcin Piatkowski, Research Assistant at TIGER, took part in
the conference on "The Russian Banking Sector: Evolution,
Problems and Prospects" organized by the Faculty of
Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK. (http://www.sps.cam.ac.uk/index.html)
April 5-8, 2001
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of
TIGER, while visiting Lithuania will deliver a lecture at the
Vilnius Institute of International Relations and Social Sciences
entitled "Globalization and Post-socialist Transformation". On
the second day of his visit, Prof. Kolodko will deliver a lecture on
"Ekonomia i polityka transformacji. Doświadczenia i przyszlosc" at the
Vilnius University.
January - March 2001
Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, completed his "Tour de
Pologne III" during which he delivered lectures at more than fifty
universities all over Poland. The lectures, which were a part of the
promotional campaign of the new book by Prof. G. Kolodko entitled "Moja
globalizacja czyli dookoła świata i z powrotem" (My globalization or a
journey around the world and back; (more
on the book....) presented the different aspects of an
unfolding process of globalization and transformation.
During his tour, Prof. Kolodko visited 23 cities
including Białystok, Częstochowa, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Katowice, Kraków,
Lublin, Łódź, Olsztyn, Opole, Płock, Poznań, Pułtusk, Radom, Rzeszów,
Sopot, Szczecin, Tarnów, Tczew, Toruń, Tychy, Warszawa, Wrocław and
Zielona Góra.
The trip was complemented by numerous meetings with
local communities and interviews with local mass media (interviews in
Polish available at http://www.tiger.edu.pl/kolodko/wywiady.htm).
Previous "Tours de Pologne" took place in 1999 and 2000
during promotion of the book "From Schock to Therapy: The Political
Economy of Postsocialist Transformation" (more
on the book...)
March 29-30, 2001 WSPiZ
International conference on "The 'New economy' and Its implications for
long-term growth of post-communist countries" see
Main Sponsor:
March 29, 2001, 17.00
Prof. Vito Tanzi, Director of the IMF's Fiscal Affairs Department and
distuinguished economist known for so called "Tanzi effect", will
deliver a lecture in "WSPiZ Distinguished Lectures" series on "The Rise
of the New Economy and its Implication for Fiscal Policy".
About Prof. Vito
Tanzi ...
March 27, 2001
The paper "Globalization and Transformation. Illusions and Reality"
authored by Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, was recently
listed on SSRN's (Social Science Research Network) Top Ten download
list for the journal/topic "Transition Economics" Recent Hits (for
abstracts published in the last 60 days).
You may view the abstract and download statistics at the URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/paper.taf?abstract_id=258435.
To view the entire top ten list, visit The SSRN Electronic Library at http://papers.ssrn.com/
March 21, 2001, 17.00, Room 9
Prof. Witold Małecki, the University of Insurance and Banking
in Warsaw, will deliver a lecture on "Foreign exchange
crisises". The lecture will be held in the series of TIGER Seminars,
which normally take place on every Wednesday in the week before the
month's final week. All WSPiZ is invited!!!
March 20, 2001
1999 Nobel Laureate in Economics Prod. Robert A. Mundell received from
Prof. Andrzej K. Koźmiński, Rector of WSPiZ, nomination for the
Chairman of the TIGER Scientific Advisory Board. Full list of members
of the Board is here..
March 10, 2001
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, took part in the
panel "Poland and the world - chances for the young generation in the
era of globalization, european integration and growth of economies of
the East" in the conference "Quo Vadis Young Pole" organized
by the WSPiZ Student Association. Other
panelists included Marcin Święcicki, Union of Freedom party,
and Stanisław Ciosek, former Polish Ambassador in Russia. The
discussion was moderated by Prof. Andrzej K. Koźmiński, Rector of
March 8-9, 2001
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, represented WSPiZ in
the conference organized in Paris by the OECD Headquarters
entitled "Fifth Conference on the Financial Sector Development in the
Central Asian Countries, Azerbaijan and Mongolia". Prof. G.W.
Kolodko took part in discussion on "Establishment of
an effective financial intermediation mechanism".
Conference agenda (download)
February 26, 2001, 17.00,
Room 119
Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, invites
all WSPiZ students to inaugurational meeting of the Science Club
"TIGERS". more..
February 21, 2001, 17.00,
Room 9
dr Grzegorz Wojtowicz, member of the NBP Monetary Council (RPP), will
deliver a lecture on "Monetary policy - objectives, conditions,
challenges". The lecture will be held in the series of TIGER Seminars,
which normally take place on every Wednesday in the week before the
month's final week. All WSPiZ is invited, more..
February 7, 2001
Professor Robert A. Mundell, Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics in 1999,
agreed to assume the post of the Chairman of the TIGER Scientific
Advisory Board. It is the first Noble Prize Winner to be associated
with WSPiZ in the school's history. Soon we will announce a full list
of Members of the TIGER Board.
A. Mundell's home page...
February 2-3, 2001
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, represented WSPiZ in
the international conference "The Post-Communism Transition Ten Years
Later: Challenges and Opportunities for Europe and the Role of the
Central European Initiative",
January 31, 2001
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Director of TIGER, has been named the John C.
Evans Professor in Polish and European Studies at the University of
Rochester, USA. News appeared in daily magazine "Democrat and
Chronicle", Rochester-NY, USA
January 25-26, 2001, Warsaw
"Globalization and
transformation. Illusions and reality" Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko, paper
for VII Congress of Polish Economists.
January 24, 2001, WSPiZ, 17.00, Aula Glowna
lecture and presentation of a new book of Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko "Moja globalizacja czyli
dookola swiata i z powrotem"
24, 2001
Director of TIGER, Professor of Leon Koźmiński Academy of
Entrepreneurship and Management, and advisor to the World Bank and the
IMF - Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko was a guest at the INTERIA.PL