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Polish version |
December 2007
Palgrave Macmillan has published a new book entitled "Transition
and Beyond"
(288 pp.). The work is co-authored and co-edited, jointly with
Professor Saul Estrin from London School of Economics and Professor
Milica Uvalic from Perugia University, by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko.
The volume includes also a chapter written by the 2001 Nobel Laureate
in Economics, Professor
Joseph Stiglitz.
(in Hungarian)
December 18, 2007
With the
participation of a group of scholars from Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador
and Peru the international conference on "The Economics of
Populism" takes place in Quito,
the capital city of Ecuador. At the event Director of TIGER presents a
lecture on "The Failure of Populism in East Central
European Countries". The conference is organized by the Research
Organization on the Economic, Political and Social Development (CORDES) and takes place at Universidad
de las Américas (UDLA).
December 17, 2007, 4:00 p.m.
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko in South America. "Globalization and
Post-Communist Transformation" - this is the title of lecture he
presents to the students and faculty of Universidad San Francisco de
December 12, 2007,
4:00 p.m., room B5
Mr. Piotr Czub, Merchant Director of the Commercial Union Polska,
within the framework of TIGER monthly seminars presents a lecture and
leads a discussion on "Life insurances. Is it only a business?". We
cordially invite to participate in this event everybody, the students
and faculty alike, who is interested in the issues of insurance market.
December 10-11, 2007
the invitation of newly established Graduate School on Local
Development Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko visits the University
of Trento.
Aside of the consultations on the development theory and policy he
presents a lecture on "Economics and Politics of Post-Communists
Transformation. How Much of Success?"
November 2007
World Economy and Great Post-Communist Change" - this is the
title of new book
by Professor Grzegorz W.
Kolodko, which has just been published in the USA by Nova
Science Publishers, Inc.,
New York. The book deals with the theoretical questions and policy
issues of globalization and post-communist transformation to democratic
system, market economy and civic society, with special attention to the
feedback between these two paramount processes shaping contemporary
world and our life.
The book has been published thanks
to support of:
November 29-30, 2007
Przychodzen participates in The VIIIth
Congress of Polish Economists,
which takes place in Warsaw. TIGER Research Assistant presents a paper
entitled "Polish Systemic Transformation and the Selected Issues of
Social Coherence".
November 29-30, 2007
VIIIth Congress of Polish Economists
takes place in Warsaw. This extraordinary gathering occurs only once
every several years. The last meeting of such kind took place in
January 2001, yet the Congress traditions have their roots as far ago
as in 1887. Then, under the conditions of partition of Poland, Polish
economists and lawyers had organized the Ist Congress in Krakow. Only
about 200 persons participated in the event. The VIIIth Congress, which
is organized by the
Polish Economic Society,
has been prepared by the wide representation of the economic
professionals, and close to a thousand scholars and practitioners
attend the meeting. The Congress is aiming at identification of
chances, threats and perspectives of socio-economic development of
Poland under the conditions of changing international environment. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
which had participated with the research papers in last three
Congresses, has been invited to talk at the special, inaugural session
devoted to the evaluation of Polish transformation. The TIGER Director
presents a paper entitled "Success in Two Third. Polish Systemic
Transformation and the Lessons for the Future".
(in Polish)
November 28, 2007,
4:00 p.m., room B17
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
invites for TIGER monthly seminar. This time we have the privilege to
host distinguished Polish scholar from the Vienna Institute for
International Economic Studies, WIIW, Professor
Kazimierz Laski.
He will present a lecture on "Twin deficits or triplet balances",
giving a special attention to the issues of balances of investment and
savings within the three sectors: private, government, and external.
November 20, 2007,
9:50 a.m.
In Warsaw
School of Economics (WSE)
the IV Fairs of Economic Publishing takes place (on November 20-21).
The idea of the organizers is to bring together a comprehensive
proposal of published results of economic research and textbooks and
present them to the faculty and business circles. The exhibition of
books and periodicals is accompanied by other events, organized jointly
by the professors from WSE and invited guests. On this occasion a panel
debate on "The Agenda of the State and Entrepreneurs Expectations" with
the participation of Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko takes place. The event is organized by
Academic Association MagPress, the publisheR of Independent Monthly of the
With Rector
of Warsaw School of
Economics (SGH), Professor Adam Budnikowski, and President of
Confederation of Polish Employers, Dr. Andrzej Malinowski
November 14, 2007,
4:00 p.m., room B5
In the new academic year, the activities of Students Scientific Club Little
TIGERS starts with the lecture "Recipe for success" by and
discussion with the TIGER Director. Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
will speak on his "15 Principles for a Successful Life". Everybody keen
to follow the example - especially the freshmen - are cordially invited!
November 9-10, 2007
The Institute
of Regional and Global Studies of the University of Warsaw
hosts the international conference on "Africa and the World in the 21st
Century. Perspectives on Development". The aim of the conference is to
stimulate discussion among the leading international and Polish
academics studying African and world development in a long term
perspective. About 10 key speakers from abroad and 15 from Poland are
invited to attend. They will present they views in the course of five
Panel I: Historical Perspectives on African Development.
Panel II: African Poverty: Dimensions, Measures, Trends & Moral
Panel III: African Economies and International Community: Markets,
Trade, Investments.
Panel IV: Aid for Africa: Past Experience and Future Perspectives.
Panel V: Africa and International Security.
Debates will be open for graduate
and doctoral
students, as well as for policy-makers and members of NGOs working for
Africa. TIGER Director, Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
has been invited to contribute to the conference. He participates in
Panel I and talks on "Implications of Long-Term Economic Development.
The Interdisciplinary Approach".
November 7, 2007,
5:30 pm.
"Dangers of a global financial crisis" is a title of the seminar which
will take place at the Faculty
of Management (the B building, 2nd floor, the conference
room) of the University
of Warsaw. In a panel discussion there will participate prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko
and professors Hanna Kuzinska, Alojzy Nowak, Kazimierz Ryc and Andrzej
November 1-4, 2007
Jacek Tomkiewicz - Assistant Professor at TIGER - presents a
paper in the conference on "Economic
growth, development, and institutions - lessons for policy and the need
for an evolutionary framework of analysis".
Conference is organized in Porto by European Association for
Evolutionary Political Economy.
October 2007
The paper on
"Banking reform in China: Driven by international standards and Chinese
specifics", written by Zdenek Kudrna, has been published in our TIGER
Working Paper Series (No. 109).
October 2007
In the second part of the 1980s lively debates on
and dynamics of market-oriented structural reforms in former socialist
countries had been on the way. Particularly robust and creative was the
course of these debated in Poland what had resulted in most favor,
together with Hungary, intellectual and political ground for later
systemic transition to a full-fledged market economy. At the turn of
1980s and 1990s the further course of complex transformation has been
on the stake. The theoretical foundation for the profound change has
been created. The agenda for strategies and policies have been
outlined. The first scientific contributions on the matter have been
published. Within the mainstream of the ongoing debate several
important contributions on economics and economic policy of the process
have appeared. Here, under the PDF format, we provide the readers with
six books by Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, published in 1986-92: "Cele rozwoju a
makroproporcje gospodarcze" ("The Aims of Development and Macroeconomic
Proportions"), Państwowe
Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1986 (IId edition), p. 212;
"Polska w świecie inflacji" ("Poland in the World of Inflation", Książka i Wiedza,
Warszawa 1987, p. 312; "Kryzys, dostosowanie, rozwój" ("Crisis,
Adjustment, Development"), Państwowe
Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 1989, p. 148 - the paper
has been issued also in English by WIDER; "Inflacja,
reforma, stabilizacja" ("Inflation, Reform, Stabilization"), Alma-Press,
Warszawa 1990, p.136; "Hiperinflacja i stabilizacja w gospodarce
posocjalistycznej" ("Hyperinflation and Stabilization in Postsocialist
Economies"), co-authors: Danuta Gotz-Kozierkiewicz and Elżbieta
Skrzeszewska-Paczek, Państwowe
Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 1991, p. 184 - the book has
been issued also in English by Kluwer
Academic Publishers; "Transformacja polskiej gospodarki.
Sukces czy porażka?" ("Transforamtion of Polish Economy. Success or
Failure?"), Polska
Oficyna Wydawnicza BGW, Warszawa 1992, p. 200. You are
welcome to read all of them online!
October 2007
In 1989-94 Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
had been Director of the Institute of Finance in Warsaw. As a result of
the research conducted by a team of scholars and analysts from the
institute several works has been published. Here we present, under the
PDF format, two books co-authored and edited by Professor Kolodko:
"Polityka finansowa - stabilizacja - transformacja" ("Financial Policy
- Stabilization - Transformation"), Instytut Finansow, Warszawa 1991,
p. 448, and "Polityka finansowa - transformacja - wzrost" ("Financial
Policy - Transforamation - Growth") , Warszawa 1992, p. 368.
October 2007
In 1994-97 -
during the implementation of "Strategy for Poland", the program for
structural reforms and fast socio-economic development resulting in 28
percent growth of GDP per capita and Poland's membership in OECD - Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
had led Polish economy as deputy prime minister and minister of
finance. During all that period, on a regular basis, he had contributed
essays published in "Polityka"
weekly. As the result of his writings three books have been published:
"Rok w polityce" ("A Year In Politics"), Real Press, Warszawa-Kraków
1995, p. 272, "Dwa lata w polityce" ("Two Years In Politics"), Real
Press, Kraków-Warszawa 1996, p. 278 and "Trzy lata w polityce" ("Three
Years In Politics"), Realbud, Kraków 1997, p. 216 . Now we make all of
them avaibale for the readers on our website in the PDF format. The
word "polityka" in Polish language means not olnly "politics" but
"policy" and "polity" as well, hence the titles of the books have
multi-purpose meaning.
October 2007
to the support of POLTEXT
Publisher we are happy to present on-line five books
(in Polish) written by Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko:
"Kwadratura pięciokąta. Od załamania gospodarczego do trwałego wzrostu"
("Squaring the Pentagon. From Output Collapse to Sustained Growth"),
Poltext, Warszawa 1993, p. 144, "Strategia dla Polski" ("Strategy for
Poland"), Poltext, Warszawa 1994, p. 224, "Polska 2000. Strategia
dla przyszłości" ("Poland 2000. Strategy for the Future", Poltext,
Warszawa 1996, p. 160, "Polska alternatywa. Stare mity, twarde fakty,
nowe strategie" ("The Polish Alterantive. Old Myths, Hard Facts and New
Strategies"), (współautor Mario D. Nuti), Poltext, Warszawa 1997, p.
140 oraz "Od szoku do terapii. Ekonomia
i polityka transformacji" ("From Shock to Therapy. The Economic and
Politics of Postsocialist Transformation"), Poltext, Warszawa 1999, p.
October 2007
During recent years the
Publishing House of Kozminski Business School has published
five volumes co-authored and edited by the TIGER Director, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko:
"„Nowa gospodarka” i jej implikacje dla długookresowego wzrostu w
krajach posocjalistycznych" ("'The New Economy' and Its Implikations
for Long-term Growth In Postsocialist Countries"), Warszawa 2001, p.
400 , "Rozwój polskiej gospodarki. Perspektywy i uwarunkowania"
("Development of Polish Economy. Perspectives and Determinants"),
Warszawa 2002, p. 282 , "„Nowa gospodarka” i stare problemy" ("'The New
Economy' and Old Problems"), (co-editor Marcin
Warszawa 2002, p. 360, "Globalizacja – marginalizacja – rozwój"
("Globalization – Marginalization – Development"), Warszawa 2003, p.
416 , and "Strategia szybkiego wzrostu gospodarczego w Polsce" ("The
Strategy for Fast Economic Growth in Poland"), Warszawa 2004, p. 434.
Now, with a great pleasure, we provide for your convenience all these
works under the PDF format on our website.
October 2007
Four books by Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, published in recent years by the
publishing house Towarzystwo
Naukowe Organizacji i Kierownictwa "Dom Organizatora", are
now available in the PDF format at our website.
"Moja globalizacja, czyli dookoła świata i z powrotem" ("My
Globalization, or Around the Word and Back Again"), TNOiK, Torun 2001,
p. 470, "Globalizacja a perspektywy rozwoju krajów posocjalistycznych"
("Globalization and the Perspectives of Economic Development in
Postsocialist Countries"), TNOiK, Torun 2001, p. 238 , "Tygrys z ludzką
twarzą" ("Tiger with a Human Face"), TNOiK, Torun 2002, p. 392 and "O
Naprawie Naszych Finansów" ("On Reforming Our Public Finance"), TNOiK,
Torun 2004, p. 304 – these are the books one can now read on-line!
October 26, 2007,
1:30 p.m.
At the invitation of students and the principals of the Mikolaj Kopernik
Economic Schools in Wroclaw Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
presents a lecture on "Whither the World?". The event takes place in
the school on 50, Drukarska St.
October 24, 2007,
4:00 p.m., room B5
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko invites. The first in new academic year - and 56th
altogether - TIGER
seminar deals with financial markets issues. During the
meeting Mr. Jacek Bartkiewicz, CEO & Chairman of the Board of
the Bank
Gospodarki Żywnosciowej S.A., address the issue "BGŻ on
financial market". Everybody interested in the topic is welcome to join
the debate!
October 5-7, 2007
Universita di Roma
'La Sapienza' organizes a special international conference to
celebrate the 70th anniversary of Professor
D. Mario Nuti,
distinguished and renowned economist, the great scholar and acclaimed
academic lecturer. His theoretical works and practical advise have
significantly contributed to our knowledge about postsocialist
transformation and sustained economic growth. In the conference a
papers is presented by Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, who has had the privilege to work
closely with Professor Nuti during last twenty years.
of the conference
September 2007
The paper on "Specificities and problems of Montenegrin transition",
written by Veselin Drašković, has been published in our TIGER
Working Paper Series (No. 108).
September 25-30,
As in the recent years, Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko visits Moscow.
At the invitation of the
Moscow Academy of Economics and Law,
which university's Honorary Professorship he holds, he presents some
lectures for the students and faculty members on the feedback between
evolution of economic theory and policy.
September 27-28,
presents a paper on "Inequality and Growth in Transition Economies" at
the University of Rzeszow Theory of Economics Department and Cracow
University of Economics Applied Economy Department conference on
"Social Inequalities and Growth in the context of socio-economic
coherency", which takes place in Rzeszow.
September 14-20,
Director of TIGER visits Chukotka!
At the invitation of North-East Complex Institute of Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko visits Anadyr,
where he presents lectures and seminars on postsocialist transformation
and regional development. When there is noon in London, there is
midnight at Chukotka...
September 12, 2007,
10:00 a.m.
While visiting Khabarovsk
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko
has presented to the students and faculty of Pacific State University a
lecture on "Postsocialisticheskoye izmienieniya i globalizaciya"
("Globalization and Post-Communist Changes").
September 11-13,
At the invitation of the Russian
Academy of Sciences (RAS) Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
pays a working visit to Russia with the series of lectures, seminars
and consultations on the issues of systemic transformation,
globalization and economic development. In Khabarovsk,
which he had visited already four years ago, in September 2003, he is a
guest of the Institute for Economic Research of the Far East Branch of
RAS. Professor Kolodko has published a
dozen of papers in major Russian scientific journals as well
as five
books in Russian language,
most recently a monograph entitled "Vielikiy postsocyalisticheskiy
povorot" (R. Aslanov Publishing House, "Yuridichesky Center Press",
Saint Petersburg, 2006).
On the Amur river
September 9, 2007
Victory! Heavy rain, strong wind, 48° F. What a wonderful wheather!
Start at the gates of Kremlin, finish at the site of beautiful St.
Basil church on the Red Square. XXVII Moscow
International Peace Marathon (XXVII MMMM) is done! Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
ran the distance of 26.2 miles in 4 hours 37 minutes and 17 seconds.
Keep going!
August 2007
The paper on "The Budget Constraint in the Governance of
Organizations", written by Bruno Dallago, has been published in our TIGER
Working Paper Series (No. 107).
August 2-4, 2007
Malgorzata Runiewicz
will moderate a panel and present a paper in ICCEES Regional European
Congress "Transcending Europe's Borders: The EU and Its Neighbours"
organized by Association for East European Studies - DGO in Berlin. Dr.
Runiewicz will present a paper entitled "The Role of Information
Technologies in Regional Development in Poland".
July 2007
We present six papers published in our TIGER
Working Paper Series: "Political
Trust and the Success of Fiscal Consolidations"
(No. 101), written by Dóra Győrffy; "Democratization,
quality of institutions and economic growth"
(No. 102), written by Victor Polterovich and Vladimir Popov; "Entrepreneurship,
Institutions and the Level of Development" (No. 103), written
by Ruta Aidis, Saul Estrin and Tomasz Mickiewicz; "Trade
Globalization and Political Liberalization: A Gravity Approach"
(No. 104), written by Miaojie Yu; "The
European Social Model and its dilution as a result of EU enlargement"
(No. 105), written by Marilena
Giannetti and D. Mario Nuti; "Market
instability and economic complexity: Theoretical lessons from
transition experiments" (No. 106), written by Ping Chen.
June 2007
Publishing House of Kozminski Business School (WSPiZ)
has released the new book entitled "W tyglu naszych finansów.
Transformacja i reformy finansów publicznych w Polsce w dwudziestoleciu
1989-2008" ("In the Melting Pot of Our Finance. Transformation and
Public Finance Reform in Poland in 1989-2008"). The work, written by
Dr. Marta Postula, is based on her Ph. D. dissertation, concluded
recently in the Warsaw
School of Economics (SGH) under the supervision of Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko.
This is already 14th volume in the TIGER Library series issued by the
Publishing House of Kozminski Business School during last seven years.
Let's hope that the next seven years will occur to be for our
publication activity also fat...
on the book by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko (in Polish)
on the book by Dr. Halina Wasilewska-Trenkner (in Polish)
July 28, 2007
The paper by Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko, entitled, "Globalization and
Transformation. Illusions and Reality", was recently listed on the Social Science Research Network,
SSRN's Top Ten download list for "IPE: Globalization (Topic)", "PSN
Subject Matter Journals", "Political Economy Journals", "Political
Economy: International Political Economy" and "Political Science
Network (Forthcoming)". As of 07/28/2007 the paper has been downloaded
361 times. You may view the abstract and download statistics at the
URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=258435.
June 26-27, 2007
The view which
since the late 1980s represented the "Washington Consensus" - namely,
that sound macroeconomic policies together with appropriate
microeconomic reforms, especially liberalization and public sector
reforms, would lead to sustainable high rates of economic growth and
poverty reduction - has not met the optimistic expectations. Many
countries, including a great number of post-socialist transition
economies, have undertaken programs of radical reforms without reaping
the fruits and sometimes even falling into severe economic crises.
Conversely, some countries have been able to achieve fast growth and
sustainable development through policies which deviated from the
"Washington Consensus". Thus, there is a continues need to look for a
proper answer to the questions about the roots of economic growth. With
such an aim, the Centre
for Development Studies of the Department
of Economics at the University
of Glasgow
(Scotland, UK) organizes a conference on "Policies and Institutions for
Growth and Development: Is There a 'Heterodox' View?". The event, to
which Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko
contributes a paper on "Institutions and Policies for Stagnation and
Growth", is organized within the framework of the GLASGOW UNIVERSITY'S
June 17-24, 2007
Assistant profesor at TIGER - Dr.
Jacek Tomkiewicz - takes part in the research seminar titled:
Inequality: Mechanisms, Effects and Policies. Seminar is organized by University
of Siena, Italy. It is worth to mention that TIGER is a
member of international consortium which conducts research project "INEQ" on causes
and effects of income inequalities in the contemporary world.
June 22, 2007
From a group of almost 1500 professors of economics the new Committee
of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
has been elected for the years 2007-11. Among the group of 24
distinguished scholars is the TIGER Director, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko.
He was also the member of the Committee in the previous years.
of the Committee members
June 20, 2007, 3:00
"Social or Neoliberal Model. Polish Development Dilemmas" - this is the
title of seminar organized by the
Social Movement "Work - Peace - Equity". The Institute of Civic Society
Problems (IPSO). During the seminar, led by Professor
Zbigniew Olesinski, the President of Board of IPSO, the TIGER
Director, Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko presents a lecture on "Development
Strategy of Polish Economy and Society". The second speaker at the
event is Professor
Paweł Bozyk,
who talks on "Anti-neoliberal Preconditions for Social-Economic
Development in Poland". The seminar takes place in the conference hall
of OPZZ, Warsaw, 36/40 Kopernik St.
June 15-16, 2007
Malgorzata Runiewicz will moderate a panel and present a
paper in the IV international seminar devoted to "Development of Baltic
Europe" on: International and Trans-border Economic Co-operation in the
Context of European Integration. The seminar is organized by the Center
of European Integration and Regional Studies at the Faculty of Economic
Science and Management of Nikolas Copernicus University in Torun.
June 15, 2007
Because of an Open Days and KOZMINSKI`s
Business School Sports Day there was held a Big Picnic, in
which took part also many members of TIGERS
Science Club.
The program includes different tournaments, sports demonstratiuons as
well as artistic performances and numerous competitions with valuable
prizes. The beginning of this event at 1.00 pm.
March-June 15, 2007
Assistant Professor at TIGER - Dr.
Jacek Tomkiewicz - conducts research (on income inequalities
in post-socialist countries) at Economic
and Social Transition Research Group, University of Brighton,
June 1-13, 2007
Malgorzata Runiewicz
conducts the research study in Lithuania within the European Commission
sixth framework programme entitled: "Next Steps In Developing
Information Society In New Member States. The Case of eGovernment and
eHealth". The aim of the study is to explore the current "best
practices" for the application of ICT tools in the public
administration and educational system.
June 11-12, 2007
"This ain't no
party. This ain't no disco. This ain't no foolin' around. The PUSH
conference is serious business for serious people looking for an edge
in a world that changes faster than most people can change their socks.
It's about real power. Tangible. Super. More powerful than a corporate
supernova, more practical than a good accountant, and securely rooted
in the forces affecting your future." In such way the PUSH Institute
announces this year conference. The Push Institute
is an independent think tank that connects thought leaders, market
mavericks, academics, artists and provocateurs for a convergent view of
change into the better future. This year the TIGER Director, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
has been invited to address the meeting as a keynote speaker. During
the second day of the conference, which takes place in Minneapolis,
at the session called "POWER TRAIN: A Shifting World Order"
(09:45-12:45), he presents a talk on "The
Future of the World Economy".
June 6, 2007, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko invites. Here
can find a weather forecast for tomorrow. How do we know where the sun
is going to shine and where there will be a rain? How such specific
organization as the Institute
of Meteorology and Water Management (IM&WM) is
managed? "Is it possible to manage the weather?" – this is the title of
during which such a provocative question will be answered by the
Director of the IM&WM, Dr. Mieczyslaw Ostojski. Everybody who
knowledgeable on the issues of weather is welcome to join the debate!
June 2, 2007, 4:00
p. m.
Postgraduate Ph.D. Studies, working since 1995 at the Faculty
of Business Administration of the Warsaw School of
Economics, keeps its graduation ceremony. On the occasion of
presenting graduates with the Ph.D. in economics diplomas, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
- who has obtained his own Ph.D. from the same School (at that time
known as SGPiS) - gives a special lecture (in Polish) on "Prawda, błąd
i kłamstwo w ekonomii i polityce" ("The Truth, Mistake, and Lie in
Economics and Politics").
June 1, 2007
At the request of Special
Parliamentary Commission, investigating the process of irregularities
in restructuring of certain banks (SPSB), Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
for over three hours has been answering the deputies' questions,
sharing with them his knowledge on determinants and results of the
structural reforms and development policy during the time of his twice
tenure as Poland's deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
(1994-97 and again 2002-03). During that years real GDP per capita has
jumped by over one third, Poland has joined the OECD
in 1996, and in 2002-03 successful negotiations leading to the
membership in European Union were concluded. The Commission has been
particularly interested in the issues of banking sector restructuring,
mainly in the determinants and execution of privatization of certain
banks. Professor Kolodko has explained that under his stewardship the
banks privatization had been managed appropriately and the process has
contributed to improvement of competitiveness of Polish economy and to
the overall economic development.
from the hearing (in Polish)
May 2007
The monthly journal "DZIS"
("TODAY") publishes Professor
paper on "Etyka w dzialanosci gospodarczej" ("The Ethical Issues in
Economic Activity") (p. 35-49). The article touches theoretical and
practical moral problems in economics, business and economic policy.
(in Polish)
May 29-30, 2007
The New York based Social
Science Research Council,
jointly with the Moscow-based Territory of the Future Fund, organizes a
meeting of leading Russian, American and international thinkers about
global economic and political change. The “After Liberalism”
conference, which takes a place in Moscow, invites a multi-disciplinary
discussion regarding the emergence of new frameworks and approaches to
today’s socio-economic problems, in response to the generally perceived
‘failure’ of the last great utopia of the 20th century –
neo-liberalism. If liberalism (neo or otherwise) is no longer
persuasive, what are the alternatives? And if liberalism needs
rethinking, what are the options? Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko contributes to the event a paper on "The
Failure of Neoliberalizm and Other Lessons from Polish Transforamtion".
May 25-27, 2007
With the participation of TIGER Director, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
The Students Scientific Club LITTLE
TIGERS organizes a conference entitled "IT and
telecommunication tools in business and management" in Jachranka.
Student will hear lectures on the applicability of information and
communication technologies (ICT) in business and every day life.
23, 2007
The journal of Warsaw
School of Economics, "Gazeta SGH",
publishes an interview
(in Polish) with Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko.
A brief conversation, under the title "I'm the Globetrotter", has taken
place after recent lecture on the future of globalization and
May 17-18, 2007
The Krakow Economic University
organizes international conference on "The Social Market Economy. In
Quest of the Model of Development of the Postsocialist Countries". Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko has been invited to present a keynote
lecture. The title of his paper is "Why at the Time of Globalization
the 'Social Market Economy' Can Not Develop".
Agenda (in
May 13, 2007
Jubilee! Professor
Grzegorz W. Kołodko
has run his 25th marathon in less than six years. In the current
academic year it's been his third run, after Beijing in October and
Miami in January. Among the elite runners (the winner, Artur Osman from
Poland, has finished the competition in 2:20.31) he's taken 144th
position out of 214 runners in 4:7.14 at mBank
Łódź 4th Marathon. In his age category Professor
Kolodko has taken 15th place. Keep going!
May 11, 2007, 1:00
– 3:30 p.m.
At the end of a series of lectures and seminars, presented by the Kozminski
Business School (WSPiZ) within the program of "Residential
Week" to a group of international students, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
meets the graduates of the program. During the meeting Director of
TIGER talks on the issues related to business administration and
investment climate in Poland and other new members of the European
Union from the region of East Central Europe.
May 10, 2007,
10:00 a.m., room D200
Our Students Scientific Club the
Little Tigers organizes a conference on "Discovering Africa".
During the event, in which participate ambassadors of some African
countries accredited in Poland, the issues of economics, culture and
politics are discussed. At the opening session Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
which has explored 30 African countries and delivered a number of
lectures at various universities and research institutes, presents a
special lecture called "The African Paradise".
May 7, 2007, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Business School (WSPiZ)
again organizes special program of the "Residential Week" for a group
of about 40 international students. Within this framework Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
presents a lecture and seminar on "The Polish Economy in Transition".
of lecture
April 18, 2007,
4:00 p.m., room B5
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko
invites. The cohesion policy of the European Union still consumes the
second greatest part of the common funds, yet it is deeply rooted in
the tradition equity-oriented approach and thus is not able to achieve
its goals. The discussion of the evolution of this policy is of
paramount importance for Poland, since our regional policy still
follows the old (and obsolete) paradigms. Professor Grzegorz Gorzelak,
lecturer at the Chair of European
Studies at Kozminski
Business School, Director of the Centre for European
Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG) at the Warsaw
University, speaks on these issues at the TIGER
seminar on "Cohesion policy of the European Union - from
enthusiasm through doubts to criticism". You are welcome to join the
April 17, 2007,
1:00 p.m.
National Library invites
to the Writers Club. This time the guest of the Polish National Library
is Professor Grzegorz W.
who shares his reflections and personal experience on writing and
contributing to the economic literature. The TIGER Director is the
author, co-author and editor of 35
books and a number of research papers and essays published in
23 languages in over 30 countries, of which many are accessible
in the Library.
The meeting takes place in Warsaw, al. Niepodleglosci 213 and is hosted
by Michal Jagiello, the Director of National Library.
of the meeting (in Polish)
April 2-5, 2007
Dr. Małgorzata Runiewicz presents a paper on
"The Impact of ICT on Competitiveness of Polish Regions" at the Regional Studies
Annual Conference on "Regions In Focus?, which takes place in Lisbon.
The Regional Studies Association is an international forum for regional
development policy and research.
April 2, 2007,
2:00 p.m.
University School of Management
presents a series of debates on the performance and perspectives of
common European currency - Euro. During the subsequent meeting on "The
Euro Zone Enlargement. Synergy or Unilateral Gains" two panelists - Professor
D. Mario Nuti from London
Business School and Universita
di Roma 'La Sapienza' and Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko from Kozminski
Business School
- discuss the Euro's implications for competitiveness of the European
Union, challenges of policy-mix and coordination of monetary and fiscal
policy, as well as the determinants of monetary and real convergence
and the prospects of Euro introduction in new member states from East
Central Europe, including Poland. The panel debate, led by Professor
Andrzej Sopocko, takes place at the premises of Warsaw University School
of Management, auditorium 3, on 3 Szturmowa St., at Służewiec.
With Professor D. Mario Nuti
March 2007
British bimonthly research journal "Europe-Asia
Studies"(electronic; 0966-8136, paper), published on behalf
of the Institute
of Central and East European Studies, University of Glasgow,
reveals (Vol. 59, No. 2, March 2007, 357-360) a review of the book
co-authored and edited by Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko on "Globalization
and Social Stress"
(New York: NOVA Science Publishers, 2005, 268 pp.). The author of the
review, Balazs Palosi-Nemeth of the University of Debrecen, concludes
that: "The volume makes a significant contribution to our understanding
of globalisation in its various dimensions. It argues that economic
policy has a stronger effect on growth in the group of transition
countries than in other countries. On the one hand I recommend the
volume to researchers in institutional economics, who-after reading
some chapters-could see the institutional evolution of emerging
countries through a special lens. However the main target group should
be the policy-makers of developing countries, who learn from the
experience of transition countries and prevent resource-wasting
March 2007
publishes a new book entitled "Advancing
Development. Core Themes in Global Economics"
(p. 803 + xxxviii) edited by George Mavrotas and Anthony Shorrocks. The
TIGER Director, and with the "Foreword" by the Nobel Laureate in
Economics, Professor Amartya Sen. Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
has contributed a chapter on "Institutions, Policies and Economic
Development" (s. 531-554). The volume has been written by the team of
authors invited by the United Nations University World Institute for
Development Economics Research (WIDER) within the series "Studies in
Development Economics and Policy".
March 2007
The paper on "Emerging Capital Markes In Financial Globalization",
written by Balázs Pálosi-Németh from University of
Debrecen, has been published in our TIGER
Working Paper Series (jubilee No. 100).
March 26, 2007
"Public Finance
Restructuring in Poland during Economic Transformation and Integration"
– this is the title of Ph.D. thesis presented by Marta Postula to the
Scientific Council of Faculty
of Business Administration at Warsaw School of
Economics. The thesis has been prepared by Dr. Postula under
the supervision of Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko.
and Contents of dissertation (in Polish)
March 23, 2007,
1:30-3:00 p.m.
The two main processes, which shape the world economy of our times, are
globalization and transformation. As the outcome of these processes,
certain problems have been solved while some others have only emerged.
Hence, what is going to be the follow-up of postsocialist
transformation? What can be expected from further evolution of the
global economy? What are the chances and challenges for sustainable
development? These are the issues the International Students
Organization for Sustainable Economics and Management 'oikos'
of Warsaw
School of Economics (SGH) has asked Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
to address at his public lecture on "Globalization, Transformation and
What Next?" The event takes place in auditorium V in the main SHG
building, 162, Niepodległości Avenue.
March 14-15, 2007
"The Globalist"
publishes an online magazine that is available for free to registered
users. Each day, it offers a feature on a key global issue written by
their in-house team or a diverse group of contributors - promoting
global dialogue to the audience in over 120 countries. This time also Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
has contributed an essay on the Iran developments in the global
context, and especially on the USA policy towards Iran and its
international implications. The article on "Triggering the Next Iranian
Revolution", together with other original content features, appears in
print and online in ten languages.
14, 2007, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko invites. TIGER seminar, in which Dr.
Malgorzata Runiewicz
delivered a lecture on "The role of information and communication
technologies in development of regional innovation systems in Poland".
March, 1, 2007
New research assistant in TIGER. From the beginning of March Wojciech
Przychodzen, graduate of the Poznan
University of Economics (M.A. thesis on "The Political
Economy of Polish Transformation"), Ph. D. candidate at Leon
Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management, who
prepares (under Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko
direction) dissertation about the potential and real growth rate in
post-socialist countries, joins our Centre. His main research interests
include political economy; post-socialist transformation; globalization
and capital markets. Wojciech Przychodzen will also lecture in
February 2007
The paper on
"China’s rise, Russia’s fall: Medium term perspective", written by
Professor Vladimir Popov from the New Economic School in Moscow, has
been published in our TIGER
Working Paper Series (No. 99).
21, 2007, 4:00 p.m., room B5
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko invites. Next TIGER's seminar. This time Dr.
Jacek Tomkiewicz - Assistant Professor at TIGER - will
present lecture on "Economic Policy and Income Inequalities in
Post-socialist Countries".
February, 9, 2007
No. 34 (5151), p. 7, publishes an interview, conducted by Czeslaw
Rychlewski, with Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko,
Director of TIGER, deputy prime minister and minister of finance of
Poland in 1994-97 and 2002-03. The interview, entitled "Wyścig z
czasem" ("Running against the time") deals mainly with the issues of
post-socialist systemic transformation and the current condition of
Polish economy as well as its prospects for future vis-a-vis the trends
of the word economy.
(in Polish)
January 2007
Center Press Publishing House, Saint Petersburg, has published a book,
already fifth in Russian language, by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko.
The monograph, entitled "Vielikiy postsocialisticheskiy povorot" (p.
172), deals with the issues of postsocialist transformation in the
wider context of contemporary world economy. The volume, published due
to the inspiration of the Moscow Academy of Economy and Law, will be
used as a university textbook for the students of economics, political
sciences, sociology, law, and management.
(in Russian)
(in Russian)
January 2007
The Leon
Kozminski Business School publishing house - has published a book
edited by Dr. Małgorzata Runiewicz on "Competitiveness of Regions. The
Role of Information and Communication Technologies". The book contains
19 articles and presents the interdependencies between potential
development of regions and advancement of information-communication
technologies (ICT) on three levels: users, firms and public sector.
(in Polish)
of contents (in Polish)
January 2007
The Leon
Kozminski Business School publishing house has published a book by Dr.
Jacek Tomkiewicz on "Fiscal policy and investments in post-socialist
economy". The book analyses links between fiscal instruments (taxes,
public expenditures, budget balance) and capital formation process.
(in Polish)
of contents (in Polish)
January 29-31, 2007
Malgorzata Runiewicz
took part in the next project related meeting within the EU 6 Framework
Programme entitled: "Next Steps in Developing Information Society
Services in New Member States". The main goal of the meeting was to
present the results of ten countries Synthesis Report study. Dr.
is a co-author of The Synthesis Report and conducts the evaluation of
"ICT impact on competitiveness and growth in ten EU member states". The
meeting took place in the European Commission Joint Research Center The
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies in Seville.
January 29, 2007,
10:00 a.m.
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko meets with the students of The North Broward Preparatory
in Coconut Creek, Florida. The NBPS boasts a 100 percent
college-acceptance rate with recent graduates heading off to the
leading American universities like Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Harvard,
MIT, Notre Dame, and Princeton. The NBPS, through encouraging students,
due to the attractive curriculum and Residential Program,
to develop their individual abilities and talents as well as to achieve
the fullest measure of intellectual self-discovery, attracts the
growing number of international students. During the meeting Professor
Kolodko shares his ideas about the contemporary word, the role of
social sciences and the challenge and fun to study the economics and
business administration at the era of globalization and fierce
international competition.
January 28, 2007
As the birthday gift for himself, Professor
Grzegorz W. Kolodko has taken a part in the run of the 26.2
miles distance. Going through beautiful scenery of the course of the
5th Miami
International Marathon the TIGER Director completed the run
in 4 hours 33 minutes and 5 seconds. His
in the entire field was 1184 with 1336 finishers behind, what implies
that 47% of runners were ahead. In the age division he took 36th place
with 52 finishers behind.
Photo by Stephen Canastraro
January 25-27, 2007
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
pays again a short
visit to Washington, DC. On Friday, January 26th, at 12:30 p.m., the
TIGER Director presents a lecture at The
John Hopkins University .The seminar is organized by The Center for
Transatlantic Relations of The Paul H. Nitze School of
Advanced International Studies (SAIS).The lecture is entitled similar to Professor
Kolodko's recent book: "Globalization
and the Great Post-Communist Change".The event takes place at SAIS,
room 500, 1717 Massachusetts Ave.
January 23, 2007, 3:30 p.m. room B17
Students' Scientific Club "Little
which is cooperating with TIGER Research Centre is inviting to a
meeting with Klaus Tebbe, Director of Strategy, Marketing and Sales,
Member of the Management
Board of PTC Era
We are kindly inviting!
Students' Scientific Club "Little Tigers"
20-22, 2007
and deregulation is not only fashionable, but necessary. Such a
conclusion is being drawn in growing number of countries where the
state sector is still relatively large. Alike is situation in Iran,
where the TIGER Director has been again invited. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
contributes to taking place in the capital city of Tehran conference on the issues of privatization,
presenting on Saturday, January 20th, at 9:30 a.m. a seminar on "Multi-track
Privatization. The Merits and Drawbacks of Free Coupons and Giving Away
Schemes" and on Sunday, January 21st at 2:00 p.m. the keynote lecture
on "Privatization and Economic Liberalization. The Polish Experience"
January 20, 2007
Iranian pro-reform daily "HAMSHAHRI"
(Vol. 15, No. 4187, p. 14) has published the interview with Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko.
The interview, entitled "Amvale omumi ra nabayad arzan forukht" ("Don't
sell the public assets cheap"), touches the issues of the structural
reforms, especially privatization and liberalization, as well as
provides the TIGER Director's suggestions for the emerging markets on
the basis of the experience of post-socialist transition economies.
Interview (In Persian)
January 17, 4:00
p.m., room B5
Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko invites. The first in new year - and 51st
altogether - TIGER
deals with so lively, yet not necessary professionally discussed issues
of taxation. During the meeting Dr. Hanna Kuzinska answers the question
"Who needs the 'flat tax'?". Everybody interested in the topic is
welcome to join the debate!
(in Polish)
January 17, 2007
Research Director, delivered a presentation on “ICT as a Driver of
Productivity in CEE Countries. The Role of Structural Policies” during
a workshop on the sources of productivity growth in transition
economies organized by the World Bank in Washington DC.
January 14-16, 2007
Grzegorz W. Kolodko participates in The Eighth Annual Global
Development Conference of the Global Development Network
and in the Regional Bank Conference on Development Economics (RBCDE)
organized by the World Bank. This
year meeting on "Shaping a New
Global Reality: The Rise of Asia and its Implications" takes
place in Beijing. The TIGER Director participates in the GDN
activities since a couple of years. He has contributed a chapter on
income inequality in transition economies to the
book published after the Cairo conference (2003) and had
taken a part in the conferences in Delhi (2004), Dakar (2005) and Sankt
Peterburg (2006).
10, 2007, 3:30 p.m. room B5
Students' Scientific Club "Little
which is cooperating with TIGER Research Centre organized a meeting
with Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz, Chairman of Polish Bank Association.
The topic of the lecture was : "Polish banking 2007 - chances and