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Tools: The Drivers of E-commerce.




There are eras when advancing technology and changing business organizations transform economies and societies.  Such episodes do not just amplify productivity in one leading sector. Instead they give all economic sectors powerful new "tools." Today we are living through such a shift in our economic landscape, a shift that warrants a new name: the "E-conomy."  Information technologies, data communication and data processing technologies are tools to manipulate, organize, transmit, and store information in digital form. They are tools for thought that amplify brainpower in the way the technologies of the Industrial Revolution amplified muscle power.  


The story of the revolution in information technology is at once a story of technology and a story of innovations in business organization and practice.  The E-conomy is as much a story about changes in business organization, market structures, government regulations, and human experience as it is about new technology.  The E-conomy is generating substantial and unexpected increases in productivity that have motored our recent surge in economic growth and that have enlarged the margin for monetary policy. But the economic transformation is not about soft landings, smooth growth, permanently rising stock prices, government surpluses, and low rates of interest and inflation. It is about structural transformation and developments that carry disruption and change.