The inflow of FDI and liberalization of foreign
trade in particularly with the UE have become integral components
and accelerators of development processes in Poland and Baltic
States. The scope of the impact however differs in each country,
which could be explained also by the size of the country, measured
by its territory, number of population, GDP per capita as well
as their internal and external policies. The inflows of FDI and
development of the foreign trade are particularly important for
such small countries like Baltic States, for which they are the
main sources of the GDP.
In the context of the theory of international
competitive advantages (Porter, Ozawa, Vernon, Balassa) FDI and
foreign trade determine the growth of competitive advantages.
The latter is observed in the quantitative changes in international
turnovers, in terms of trade, in the revealed comparative advantages
(RCA) indexes, in the employment in high and medium-high industries,
in intra-industry trade indexes and current accounts. As key quality
changes considered to be technological changes in the production
processes as well as in the R&D sector. The indicators above
also depend on the other factors than FDI or trade. One of the
important factors in building the competitive and innovative advantages
is the appropriate policies on national and the EU levels, supporting
the higher quality of goods and services, ecological standards,
etc. and developing their institutions necessary to improve to
build competitive capacities.