

Eugene Kaciak, Ph.D


Brock University
Faculty of Business
Department of Finance, Operations, and Information Systems
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, L2S 3A1

Tel. (905) 688-5550 ext. 3902
Fax. (905) 984-4188



Department of Econometrics
Faculty of Finance and Statistics
Warsaw School of Economics
Warsaw, Poland
Degree: Ph.D.
Major: Econometrics
Title of the doctoral dissertation: "The Use of Experts' Knowledge and Econometric Models in Decision Theory"
Supervisor: Prof. Wieslaw Sadowski
Awarded 1977

Department of Econometrics
Faculty of Finance and Statistics
Warsaw School of Economics
Warsaw, Poland
Degree: Master of Science in Economics (M.Sc. Econ.)
Major: Operations Research
Title of the master's degree dissertation: "A Method of Maximal Cuts for Integer Programming Problems"
Supervisor: Prof. Wieslaw Grabowski
Awarded 1973


The Minister of Higher Education of Poland Award for co-authoring the best textbook in Social Sciences published in Poland in 1992: Marketing Research Methods with Computer Applications, published as a joint venture between the Canadian Consortium of Management Schools and Krakow Academy of Economics.

The Faculty of Business Best Researcher Award (1991)


Since 1989-
Faculty of Business, Brock University
Associate Professor (1989)
Taught courses: Operations Management (undergraduate and graduate levels), Computer Applications in Business (undergraduate level), Marketing Research (graduate level), and Applied Business Research (graduate level)

(on sabbatical leave from Brock University)
1. National Bank of Poland, Warsaw

· Deputy Director of the Department of Research and Analysis

· Senior Advisor to the Governor of National Bank of Poland (in the area of bank supervision and bank deposits guarantee fund)
2. Warsaw School of Economics

· Professor of Operations Management and Marketing Research (graduate levels)
3. Krakow Academy of Economics, Poland

· Lectured on Marketing Research Methods

School of Commerce and Administration, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

· Associate Professor

· Taught courses (in French and English): Operations Management (graduate level), Quantitative Methods in Business, Microcomputer Applications in Business, Management Science

1. Faculty of Business, University of Alberta

· Assistant Professor

· Taught courses: Statistics, Management Science
2. Faculty of Science, University of Alberta

· Assistant Professor

· Taught courses: Mathematical Statistics

Faculty of Economics, University of Algiers, Algeria

·  Associate Professor ("Maitre de Conference")

·  Taught courses (in French and Arabic): Statistics, Management Science, Econometrics, Matrix Algebra, and Calculus (all undergraduate and graduate levels)

·  Scientific supervisor of the following bachelor degree diplomas:
1. Forecasting Methods in Business (1981)
2. The Use of Statistical Tests in Econometrics (1981)
3. An Econometric Model of Gas Consumption in Algeria (1981)
4. Methods of Convex Programming (1982)
5. An Econometric Model of Beef Consumption in Algeria (1982)
6. Pseudo-Inversion in Econometrics (1982)
7. An Econometric Model of Textile Production in Algeria (1982)
8. An Econometric Model of Agriculture Production in Algeria ((1983)
9. Application of the Theory of Games to Linear Programming (1984)
10. An Econometric Model of Electricity Consumption in Algeria (1984)
11. An Econometric Model of Fish Industry Production in Algeria (1985)

State Planning Commission, Warsaw
·  Participated in the earliest stages of developing a free market economy model for Poland (as a member of the team headed by Dr. Leszek Balcerowicz)

Faculty of Finance and Statistics, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland

· Adjunct Professor (1977-1980)

· Assistant Professor (1973-1977)

· Taught courses: Statistics, Management Science, Econometrics


1. Publications

Books and chapters contributed to books

Kaciak, E. (2000), "Multiple Correspondence Analysis: Theory and Practice", in The Current State of Business Disciplines, Vol. II (Business Economics), ed. by S. Dahiya, Spellbound.

Kaciak, E. and S. Kasiewicz (1995), "Operations Management as a Competitive Weapon in Global Competition", in Nowakowski, K. (ed.) Essays on Managing Operations in Global Environment, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw.

Kaciak, E. (1993), Gestion des Operations/Operations Management (teaching manual), Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada.

Bazarnik, J., T. Grabinski, E. Kaciak, S. Mynarski, and A. Sagan (1992), Badania Marketingowe-Metody i Qprogramowanie Komputerowe (Marketing Research Methods and Computer Applications), Canadian Consortium of Management Schools-Warsaw, Krakow Academy of Economics-Krakow.

Kaciak, Eugene, T. Kuszewski and J. Leleno (1982), "Solving Transportation Problems", in Z. Galas and I. Nykowski (eds.), Linear Programming, Econometric, and Input- Output Models (teaching manual), National Scientific Editors, Warsaw.

Kaciak, E. and J. Leleno (1982), "Integer Programming Methods", in Galas Zenon and Ireneusz Nykowski (ed.), Linear Programming, Econometric, and Input- Output Models (teaching manual), National Scientific Editors, Warsaw.

Nykowski, I. and E. Kaciak (1976), Linear Programming Methods (teaching manual), National Education Association, Warsaw.

Articles in journals

Kaciak, E. and C. W. Cullen (2005), “Consumer Purchase Motives and Product Perceptions:  A “Hard” Laddering Study of Smoking Habits of Poles,” Journal of Business & Economics Research, accepted for publication

Kaciak, E. and J. Mount (2003), "Why Donors Give and Who They Are?" Perspectives – Electronic Journal of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Volume 6 (Fall), Carl Renold (Editor).

Kaciak, Eugene (2000), "Predicting Bank Failures in a Newly Emerging Free-Market Economy", Perspectives-Electronic Journal of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Volume 3 (Fall), James M. Makepeace (Editor).

Ribordy, A. and E. Kaciak (1992), "Les Universites Sont-Elles Pretes a Relever les Defis du Monde des Affaires des Annees 90? Les Perceptions des Franco-Ontariens", Revue Organisation, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 105-117.

Barker, T. and E. Kaciak (1992), "An Examination of the Equivalence of Four Measurement Scales in Cross-Cultural Research", Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 77-93.

Ribordy, Annette, Eugene Kaciak, and Azim Kassaramali Bhimani (1990), "Une Nouvelle Vedette: La PME des Services en Region Peripherique", Revue Intemationale PME, December, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 345-366.

Kaciak, Eugene and Jordan Louviere (1990), "Multiple Correspondence Analysis of Multiple Choice Experiment Data", Journal of Marketing Research, November, Vol. XXVII, pp. 455-465.

Kaciak, Eugene and Waldemar Koczkodaj (1989), "A Spreadsheet Approach to Principal Components Analysis", Journal of Microcomputer Applications, Vol. 12, pp. 281-291.

Kaciak, Eugene and Waldemar Koczkodaj (1989), "Better Market Analysis with the Principal Components Method", Absolute Reference -The Journal for 1-2-3 and Symphony Users, March, Vol. VII, No. 3, pp. 16-19.

Kaciak, Eugene (1981), "A Method of Estimating Subjective Probabilities", Przeglad Statystyczny (Statistical Review), Polish Academy of Science, No. 1/2, pp. 75-85.

Kaciak, Eugene (1976), "The Use of Econometric Forecasts and Subjective Probabilities in a Decision Making Process", Przeglad Statystyczny (Statistical Review), Polish Academy of Science, No. 2, pp. 231- 242.

Conference proceedings

Cullen, C., E. Kaciak, and L. Bramble (2005), “Segmentation of the Off-Peak Wine Tourists in Canada’s Niagara Region,” Proceedings of the International Business Research Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Article #125, March 14-19.

Bascik, K., C. Cullen, and E. Kaciak (2004), "Consumer Purchase Motives and Product Perceptions: A "Hard" Laddering Study of Smoking Habits of Poles", Proceedings of the International Business Research Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Article #204, March 14-19.

Kaciak, E. and T. V. Menzies (2003), "Exploring an International Venturing Opportunity: An Action Research Case Study from Poland", Proceedings of the International Business Research Conference, Acapulco, Article #285, March 17-21.

Mount, J. and E. Kaciak (1993), "Transforming the Laddering Technique into a Research Tool for Everyday Use", Proceedings of the ASAC 1993 Conference, Lake Louise, Alberta, June, pp. 205-217.

Mount, J. and E. Kaciak (1992), "A Comparison of Two Approaches in Attribute Importance Scaling: Discrete Profile Choice and Semantic Differential", Proceedings of the EMAC 1992 Conference, Denmark, Aarhus, May, pp. 869-880.

Kaciak, E. and J. Mount (1992), "Free Time Choices in Leisure Activities and Vacation Spots: A Study of Benefits Sought by Polish Consumers", Proceedings of the 1992 Inter-Cultural Conference, Denmark, Aarhus, May, pp. 51-67.

Kaciak, E. and J. Mount (1990), "A Comparison of Two Approaches to Measuring Attribute Importance", Proceedings of the ASAC 1990 Conference, Whistler, B.C., June, pp. 167-177.

Barker, T. and E. Kaciak (1989), "The Influence of Rating Scales in Country of Origin Research", Proceedings of the ASAC 1989 Conference, Montreal, Quebec, pp. 11-21.

Kaciak, E. and J. Mount (1989), "Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Leisure Activities: Who Pays for What and Why", Proceedings of the ASAC 1989 Conference, Montreal, Quebec, pp. 194-204.

Louviere, J. and E. Kaciak (1988), "A Comparison of Several Approaches for Inferring Individual and Aggregate Attribute Effects in Pairwise Comparison Conjoint Choice Tasks", Advances in Consumer Research, Hawaii, October, pp. 612-618.

Kaciak, E. and J. N. Sheahan (1988), "Market Segmentation: An Alternative Principal Components Approach for Binary and Intensity Scale Choice Data", Proceedings of the ASAC 1988 Conference, Saint Mary's University, pp. 139-149.

Kaciak, E. (1987), "A Descriptive Principal Components Method of Testing Feasibility of a Set of Cardinal Rankings", Proceedings of the ASAC 1987 Conference, The University of Toronto, pp. 58-68.

2. Papers presented (not published) at conferences and learned societies

Kaciak, E. and J. Mount (2002), "Cigarettes Advertising: Ban or Tolerate", the 5th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Kaciak, E. and J. Mount (1999), " A Singular Value Decomposition Model for Market Segmentation of Alumni Donorship Data", the 2nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Kaciak, E. and J. Mount (1998), "Personal Values Research in Marketing: Methods of Collecting and Analyzing Laddering (Means-End Chains) Data", the 1st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Kaciak, E. (1995), "Bank Deposits Guarantee Fund in Poland -Analysis, Evaluation and Proposal", National Bank of Poland, Warsaw.

Kaciak, E. (1995), "A Multiple Discriminant Analysis-Based Computer Model for Predicting Bank Failures in Poland", National Bank of Poland, Warsaw.

Kaciak, E. and M. Librowicz (1993), "Canadian-Polish Joint Ventures in Poland", Forum for Central and Eastern European Canadians on Business Development, Toronto.

Kaciak, E. and J. Mount (1992), "Attribute Scaling: Multiple Correspondence Analysis of Attribute Importance Data",ORSA/TIMS Semi-Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, April.

Kaciak, E. and J. Mount (1991), "Multivariate Statistical Analyses of Choice Data", EMAC Conference, Dublin, Ireland, May.

Kaciak, E. (1990), "Spatial Representation of Choice Behaviour -A Discussion Paper", Banff Invitational Symposium of the Leading Marketing Research Scholars on Recent Advances in Choice Models, May.

Louviere, J., E. Kaciak and A. Finn (1990), "How Can Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) Guide Specifications of Choice Models?", ORSA/TIMS Semi-Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, May.

Barker, T. and E. Kaciak (1989), "An Evaluation of the Reliability of Alternative Rating Scales in Country of Origin Research", Conference of the Association for Global Business, New Orleans, November.

Kaciak, E. (1989), "Multiple Correspondence Analysis: A Goodness-of-Fit Criterion for the Reweighed Multivariate Indicator Matrix", ORSA/TIMS Semi-Annual Meeting, New York, October.

Kaciak, E. and W. Koczkodaj (1988), "A Spreadsheet Approach to the Principal Components Method", ORSA/TIMS Semi-Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April.

3. Grants obtained

a) Internal grants

  • Brock University – Internal SSHRC Competition Grant
  • Faculty of Business Research Grant, Brock University

Research Project jointly funded by the above two grants: “What Motivates Residents to Recycle? A Means-End Chain Analysis.” Team one-year grant  (2005-2006). Researchers: Joseph Kushner and Eugene Kaciak.

  • Faculty of Business Research Grant, Brock University

Research Project: "A Means-End Analysis of the Values of Canadian Wine   Drinkers". Team three-year grant (2003-2006). Researchers: Carman Cullen and Eugene Kaciak.

b) External grants

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Research Project: "Longitudinal Study of the Role of Consideration Sets in Shopping Choice". Team three-year grant (1991- 1994). Team leader: Jordan Louviere, University of Alberta. Co-researchers: Adam Finn, University of Alberta, and Eugene Kaciak, Brock University.

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Research Project: "Using Singular Value Decomposition Methods to Jointly Analyze Choice Data and Uncontrolled Covariates". Individual, three-year grant (1989 -1992). Researcher: Eugene Kaciak.

4. Other Scholarly Activities

a) Author of/Consultant for a number of business plans for Canadian-Polish joint-ventures in Poland

b) Service as an assessor/referee

· Referee of a dozen of ASAC Conference Proceedings

· Reviewer of an Operations Management textbook

c) Presentations/Workshops

· Kaciak, E. and J. N. Louviere (1989), "Multiple Correspondence Analysis of Multiple Choice Experiment Data", Working Paper Series #89-005, Faculty of Business, University of Alberta.

· Kaciak, E. and J. N. Sheahan (1987 ), "An Alternative Method of Principal Components", Research Report No. 87.06.18, Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, University of Alberta.

d) Consulting Activities

· Kanton, M. and E. Kaciak (1980), co-translators from English to Polish of Harvey M. Wagner's textbook Principles of Operations Research with Applications to Managerial Decisions, Prentice Hall, Inc. New Jersey, pp. 1-1,095.

· Consultant in the Canadian Consortium of Management Schools, Ottawa:
a survey of Canadian-Polish joint ventures in Poland.

5. University/Community Service

a) Member of the Undergraduate Student Affairs Senate Committee – currently

b) Member of the Faculty of Business MBA Program Committee

c) Member of several Senate committees in the past (BUAF, Library)

d) Member/Chair of several Faculty of Business committees in the past

e) Coordinator of the Management Concentration Area of the Faculty of Business, Brock University (1993/94)

f) Member of the Building Committee of the St. Eugene de Mazenod church in Brampton, Ontario (2001/03)